Monday, April 23, 2018

Twitter staffed and fun by feminists skanks

Charlotte “Charlie” Fien, a British pro-life activist with Down syndrome, was reportedly blocked by Twitter for 24 hours this week after posting pro-life materials. Because Twitter is a fascist pig sty of fat nasty women.

The 22-year-old English girl with just under 2,000 followers was up in arms over Twitter’s heavy-handed move, especially since the social media giant routinely allows pro-abortion users to post anything they want without censorship.
“Funny how Twitter allows willy pics and boobs,” she cracked. “Funny how Twitter allows paedophiles and other scum. Funny how Twitter doesn’t like my Pro Life pics and blocks them.”
The treatments for Downs Syndrome have grown incredibly, and this young woman, and her very loving, suppportive family, is living proof of that.
This is a genetic abnormality, and in the 21st century, people should be testing their DNA to insure against that, when they are ready to be parents.
And if it is an issue for a couple,they should think about adoption, which I believe is a very beautiful thing to do.
But for Twitter to block her pro-life images; PLEASE, this is very cunty.
I personally feel that I need to track down this gal, and offer support.
And just in case I haven't made my feelings clear, on this blog, I am very much pro-life, but understand, as a compassionate woman, that not all pregnancies can come to term, and it is a tragedy when that cannot happen.
It happened to two family members very close to us, so I do understand why and how this termination of a pregnancy sometimes just has to be done; I just hate seeing it done as a retroactive birth control measure.

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