An aging, anti-Trump pussy-hatter
clashed with a man-spreader
on the NYC subway, and given the ancestry of the accused the result was
predictably comic for those of us who enjoy seeing virtue sniveling
White women at the moment their Anti-White Equalism religion is refuted
by reality. Via reader M.L.,
Feminist with chip on her shoulder finds out that gentlemen of color punch uppity bitches in the face if they show disrespect.
A white guy would have apologized profusely.
That feminist shit only works on men who are already neutered.
The Wonder Woman herself, Sam Sweeney Saia, from her Twatter account in August 2016:
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Sam Saia, this week, after her encounter with a typical representative of the mandingospreader who haunts feminist nightmares:
moralizing dyke freak |
Nasty lesbian fascist cunt |
I have no doubt this spreader of vibrancy was taking his feral
frustrations out on an HB3 White goddess and pushing his leg into her
till she was crushed against the bars, but naturally being the ditzy lib
broad she is, she forgot for a hot second that her feminist indignation
is no match for thejungle. As M.L. wrote, what works on already
neutered White men won’t work on the orc horde. Feminist haranguing is
impotent against MUH DIK; it can only find a swaddling home in the
deflated bean bags of shitlib white males.
Dumb virtue sniveling cranky urban slutmouths like this sour hag who
spend the bulk of their attention whoring time shitting on their own men
can take a White man’s sympathy from White Knight to “lol suk a dik” in
five seconds flat. It’s more proof for my contention that feminism is,
among other deleterious qualities, a mass psychotic case of negative
transference by hardened liberal city shrikes unable to cope with the
reality of daily black and brown and (((tribe))) violations of feminist
moral code, so they blame the cause of their bad feelings on White
Gentile men, which allows them to preen as both a feminist and
antiracist heroine.
The White woman civilizational shit test continues unparried….
In related negative transference news, the Broken Windows
dindu-stopping strategy is giving way to Windows Asking For It, the
dindu-enabling strategy. Subway fare evaders are almost entirely black,
so the Globohomo Order wants to
decriminalize fare evasion.
There are two ways to deal with the dreary reality of wildly disproportionate black dysfunction in Diversitopias like the US:
- a crackdown on black behavior that would warm a Grand Dragon’s heart
- sewer spiraling to the lowest common denominator of social responsibility that doesn’t disparately impact blacks
As long as White Men remain unrooted from their heritage and
faithless in their purpose and cultural glory, we will pursue option #2
until the wilting, deflorating end. Ironically, White Supremacy was
never the problem; White Supination is the problem. And this is why MAGA
has resonated so deeply with unapologetic White America.
An outtake from Your Daily Trump.
Shitlib/Cuck Uniparty media: “Trump has to be careful how he responds
to these sexual assault allegations against Democrat Congressmen, given
his own history with women…”
TRUMP: “…makes you wonder where Al Frankenstien’s hands were in pics 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6…”
Age isn’t denting Trump’s T level. And America is the better for His Chadness.