Have you ever wondered what it would look like if our esteemed
institutions were run by snarky tween brats? Look no further than
today’s FBI!

Sounds like another Captain Save A Ho exchange, except this being the FaggBI the roles are probably reversed, so “FBI Employee” is the male and “FBI Attorney 2” the female lawyercunt.
The two wrist flappers above aren’t Strzok-Page. They’re *another* couple of lovebirds making full use of FBI broom closets to whisper sweet nothings about how much they hate Trump and the half of America who voted for him.
The G-cunt can’t believe Trump might win and calls his supporters “dumb, uneducated, lazy POS”.
If you’ve ever doubted what your “betters” in the degenerate ruling class think of you, dispel your doubts. You now know. And you should be thinking of them in only one way: frog-marched to the public gallows.

Lookee there, FBI lolyers seem really nervous about the incoming Trump Reign. Could it beeeeeee…..GUILT? (yes)
Cornelius Rye comments,

The details tucked within Horowitz’s IG report — that there was systemic bias for Clinton and against Trump at the highest levels and strongly suggestive evidence of a coup to take out Trump — are damning, and at odds with the milquetoast conclusion offered to the press today. What gives? Here’s one take:
And this take:

I dunno what to make of the discrepancy between the substance and summary of the IG Report. Read through it and it’s clear there’s enough damning information in there to put multiple heads of the FBI and DOJ on trial for treason. Or at least to appoint a special prosecutor whose job it is to lock up as many Deep State creeps as he can while razing the institutions to the ground and rebuilding them in the image of the God Emperor.
Either (((Horowitz))) is /ourguy/ or he’s /theirguy/. There’s no such thing as an objective human being; everyone has their biases which necessarily taint their work and their interpretation of evidence. If he’s /ourguy/, then why the weak sauce summary that is utterly belied by the report’s substance? Maybe he’s playing a long game to set the stage for arrests of high ranking Deep Staters down the road so that normies aren’t scared off by the spectacle, and he didn’t want to come out too strong (recall that the second IG Report into the FISC abuses by the FBI is coming out next). Or he’s /theirguy/ and he deliberately watered down the summary knowing shit tier leftoid outfits like NPR would gleefully ignore the substance to report on the conclusion that there was no political bias found (laughable on its face).
IG Report goodies:
More exposed FBI and DOJ corruption to tilt the election in favor of thecunt:

Oh, and Peter Strzok, the soyboy at the center of this Deep State tootsie roll? He wasn’t just some low ranking underling:
Sexually de-polarized Strzok texted his equally sexually de-polarized butch lover Page a promise that “we” (the FBI) would “stop” Trump from becoming President:
That’s a leetle bit worse than personal bias; it’s open rebellion against democracy.
Everything you need to know about Strzok’s character is revealed in a text exchange with his horse-faced manjawed careerist shrike lover Lisa Page. They’re having a tiff over affirmative action for some beaner kid, and Strzok begins to grow a tiny pair of raisins which Page promptly cuts off and feeds to him, after which he assumes the submissive position. It’s malefeminism.txt.
Strzok is illustrative of elite degeneration (genetic and environmental) and rapid androgynization of the sexes. It’s not just him. It’s everyone who deigns to rule over us, including Comey who posted on his Instagram a pic of himself jumping up in the air like a teen girl in the grip of an attention whoring fever:

Just how institutionally gay is the FBI? This gay:

That exchange is real, if you can believe it. Terrence Rhine adds,
The bottom line: the FBI and DOJ under Gay Mulatto invented a Russia
collusion hoax story in the hopes that it would lead to the impeachment
of a duly-elected president:
PS An explainer on Ghey Gowd

Sounds like another Captain Save A Ho exchange, except this being the FaggBI the roles are probably reversed, so “FBI Employee” is the male and “FBI Attorney 2” the female lawyercunt.
The two wrist flappers above aren’t Strzok-Page. They’re *another* couple of lovebirds making full use of FBI broom closets to whisper sweet nothings about how much they hate Trump and the half of America who voted for him.
The G-cunt can’t believe Trump might win and calls his supporters “dumb, uneducated, lazy POS”.
If you’ve ever doubted what your “betters” in the degenerate ruling class think of you, dispel your doubts. You now know. And you should be thinking of them in only one way: frog-marched to the public gallows.

Lookee there, FBI lolyers seem really nervous about the incoming Trump Reign. Could it beeeeeee…..GUILT? (yes)
Cornelius Rye comments,
A friend on Gab makes an insightful and important point about these emails and texts. It’s not about what’s in the texts, it’s about what’s NOT in the texts. Not once is there mention of Russia. It’s a smoking gun, as far as I’m concerned:Yup. Trumpists everywhere are beginning to smell Globohomoist blood in the water. Tucker Carlson:
“What you see: FBI officials privately expressing hatred for Trump and Trump supporters.
What you don’t see: FBI officials privately expressing fear of Russians.
If there were texts or internal memos full of worry over Russia, they would have been leaked by now. No one actually believed the conspiracy theory; it was only ever an excuse to spy on Americans.”

The details tucked within Horowitz’s IG report — that there was systemic bias for Clinton and against Trump at the highest levels and strongly suggestive evidence of a coup to take out Trump — are damning, and at odds with the milquetoast conclusion offered to the press today. What gives? Here’s one take:
And this take:

I dunno what to make of the discrepancy between the substance and summary of the IG Report. Read through it and it’s clear there’s enough damning information in there to put multiple heads of the FBI and DOJ on trial for treason. Or at least to appoint a special prosecutor whose job it is to lock up as many Deep State creeps as he can while razing the institutions to the ground and rebuilding them in the image of the God Emperor.
Either (((Horowitz))) is /ourguy/ or he’s /theirguy/. There’s no such thing as an objective human being; everyone has their biases which necessarily taint their work and their interpretation of evidence. If he’s /ourguy/, then why the weak sauce summary that is utterly belied by the report’s substance? Maybe he’s playing a long game to set the stage for arrests of high ranking Deep Staters down the road so that normies aren’t scared off by the spectacle, and he didn’t want to come out too strong (recall that the second IG Report into the FISC abuses by the FBI is coming out next). Or he’s /theirguy/ and he deliberately watered down the summary knowing shit tier leftoid outfits like NPR would gleefully ignore the substance to report on the conclusion that there was no political bias found (laughable on its face).
IG Report goodies:
FBI employees received tickets to sporting events from journalists, went on golfing outings with media representatives, were treated to drinks and meals after work.The Media-IC-DNC-FBICIADOJ Deep State is nothing if it isn’t greased with kickbacks, bribes, and payola.
More exposed FBI and DOJ corruption to tilt the election in favor of thecunt:

Oh, and Peter Strzok, the soyboy at the center of this Deep State tootsie roll? He wasn’t just some low ranking underling:
Strzok was in charge ofFFS is an understatement. Where is Jeff Sessions in all this? High treason occurs under his nose and…wtf is he doing about it? Waiting to pounce when the time is right? Jeff, the midterms are just months away; you don’t have much time left to make a move before a horde of screeching anti-American mystery meats and pussyhatters take the lower chamber.
the HRC investigation
the FBI’s contribution to the hacking report
the Flynn investigation
the Trump/Russia investigation
and the first months of Mueller’s investigation.
His bias and malfeasance is kind of a big deal.
Sexually de-polarized Strzok texted his equally sexually de-polarized butch lover Page a promise that “we” (the FBI) would “stop” Trump from becoming President:
That’s a leetle bit worse than personal bias; it’s open rebellion against democracy.
Everything you need to know about Strzok’s character is revealed in a text exchange with his horse-faced manjawed careerist shrike lover Lisa Page. They’re having a tiff over affirmative action for some beaner kid, and Strzok begins to grow a tiny pair of raisins which Page promptly cuts off and feeds to him, after which he assumes the submissive position. It’s malefeminism.txt.
Strzok is illustrative of elite degeneration (genetic and environmental) and rapid androgynization of the sexes. It’s not just him. It’s everyone who deigns to rule over us, including Comey who posted on his Instagram a pic of himself jumping up in the air like a teen girl in the grip of an attention whoring fever:

Just how institutionally gay is the FBI? This gay:

That exchange is real, if you can believe it. Terrence Rhine adds,
as with the lovebirds and Comey, and to some extent Brennan, one of the darkest elements of all this is the way these agents write like witless teenagers. there’s something far more incriminating about our society than the corruption in the fact that everyone in all these badass seats of authority are ultimately just shallow barely-mediocre brats.
I say “darkest” but it’s also why the carnivalesque burn-it-all-down element that comes with Trump is so appropriate. No one cares that powerful adults are like this, they like it that way because a society of shallow millennials (of all ages) is more docile and more devoted to consumption than a society of thoughtful adults.
The snarkification of once-esteemed American institutions, (and the
apathy of Mewllennials to the corrupting influence on those institutions
of late nite comedy sensibility), is one of the great un-reported
facets of late stage republics morphing into gynarcho-tyrannies. This,
for instance, is meant as a joke, but it’s not far removed from reality:
PS An explainer on Ghey Gowd
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