Marilyn Monroe once said “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t
deserve me at my best.” And boy was she right. After all, she died alone
from a drug overdose. Years of fame, fortune, adulation, multiple
husbands, and banging JFK and possibly RFK amounted to nothing. It is my
understanding that it was her ex husband Joe Di Maggio that had to
claim the body. And that’s how bad it got. Nobody could handle her at
her worst which means no one put up with her shit. Plus, other than that
hot set of tits and ass, no one really got to deserve her at her best
because she was being a thermonuclear level bitch. That girl up there,
unless she bags herself a nice beta soiboi willing to handle her, will
end up in the same situation, possibly being devoured by her multiple
cats and her Yorkie after her demise.

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