Typical parties with male strippers are Women Only, also known as girls night out. Code for lets ditch our husbands and boyfriends and go fuck total strangers
But there are ways they are ruining themselves.
Western women have been indoctrinated to ruin themselves through sleeping with a lot of different men before they get married. This means the average girl that you meet while dating has already had sex with several different men before meeting you, and given the wide availability of porn, you can bet that this sex was not limited to the missionary position.It is also safe to assume that there are compromising photos and videos of her on the phones of various men. Some have mastered the deceitful trick of appearing to look innocent yet at the same time exposing themselves indirectly, even though you may not initially realize it.

Zero self respect demands prince charming! Whores demand it all, wise men give them nothing. Ever.
Don’t expect the promiscuity to be reversed any time soon. From an early age, girls are taught that promiscuity is empowering. One glance at the Cosmopolitan website, a magazine read primarily by young, unmarried women, will demonstrate that their articles presuppose that women will slut it up.
Attention whoring
In the age of the internet, women can’t stop exploiting themselves on the internet in ways that can be described as perverted or even pornographic. Lately we’re seeing new lows where women are doing anything to make a quick buck or achieve overnight fame.Girls come up with creative excuses, but to the trained eye, they are simply attention whoring. From showcasing their pregnant bodies, to offering to deliver a porn hometape in exchange for social media subscribers, the internet has empowered them to do whatever they please without the fear of consequence.
Before continuing, lets define two things:
- Prostitution – selling oneself in order for monetary or social gain.
- Pornography – prostitution on camera.

Kim Kardashian is nothing but a prostitute
Women today feel entitled that everybody should witness them flashing their breasts, having sex with their partner, binge drinking to prove their superiority while simultaneously displaying themselves as holy and sacred mothers.
And the Jew owned media are raking in the dough by providing HD quality photographs of women exposing themselves.
Tattoos and Piercings
Women that are getting piercings and tattoos are doing it because they have a lack of self-esteem. They don’t feel that they are attractive enough. They feel that need these things to fit in, or to feel better about themselves, or to desperately get approval of some potential partner or group that probably isn’t worthy of them. It is my belief that many people who get these things are in denial about their feelings, they simply think I’m going to get this thing and it will make me so much better.![]() |
Once pretty, now repulsive and ugly. Fit for lesbians, witches, and skid row-where she belongs. |
Tattoos interfere with this natural signaling of reproductive fitness. By putting artificial blemishes on her skin, an otherwise healthy woman is inadvertently telling men that she is not a suitable wife and mother.
Like promiscuity, a man can sometimes look beyond a woman’s tattoos, but it takes some effort.
A woman’s natural role is to be a wife and a mother. A man’s natural role is to be a husband, father, and provider. This is not some artificial norm foisted upon us by some imaginary patriarchy, this is the natural order of things. In the modern day, men still carry forward the idea of being husbands and fathers, but something terrible has happened to our women. Young women are now subjected to years of indoctrination that teaches them to regard motherhood as something demeaning. Instead, women are led to believe that true fulfillment can only be found through a career.
Career women are just nasty skanks who will fuck anything, anytime
I am happy to report that there is a glimmer of hope that things may change. An editor at Buzzfeed recently noted that “rah-rah lean in corporate feminism” is “garbage.” Is it possible that young women will finally realize that they have been tricked by corporations to exchange the best years of their lives improving the stock values of a handful of wealthy men? If they do, I will feel vindicated.
There was a time when Americans aspired to high culture. In the early years of the US, even the coarsest Americans tried to engage the best literature. French writer Alexis de Tocqueville remarked on this amazing phenomenon:There is hardly a pioneer’s hut that does not contain a few odd volumes of Shakespeare. I remember that I read the feudal drama of Henry V for the first time in a log cabin.During first half of the 20th Century, the thirst that average Americans had to learn about the world around them gave rise to the great general news magazines, such as Time. Walt Disney pumped out cartoons that introduced audiences to classical music and European culture. And early television programming would mix in highbrow theatre along with the more popular fare. Americans wanted to better themselves not just financially, but culturally.

poster child Iggy Azalea, nasty skank who fucks groups of men at a time. Her music is (c)rap. She only seems to date
black guys. And her butt is strangely enormous on an otherwise normal
The ghettofication of American women is an alarming trend because it promotes promiscuity, having children out of wedlock, and poor life habits. Unfortunately, these ghettofied young women are also reproducing which means they will pass a trash culture to their offspring.
It’s easy to blame women for all of this but it is not that simple. Most people are natural followers. They will obediently follow any dictates that their leaders put forth. This is a good thing because not everyone can be a leader. It would result in chaos. And, in a well-ordered society, it works: benevolent leaders guide their people with the same care that a father guides his child. The problem is that we do not live in a well-ordered society so both women and men end up following the wrong types of people.We live in a culture where all the institutions are firmly under the control of
Some males, for whatever reason, have the ability to “wake up” from the progressive delusion. This is what the red pill is. Still, the majority of men stay asleep and blindly parrot the teachings that have been instilled in them by their globalist masters. Count yourself lucky if you are in the red pill minority.
Some women also demonstrate the ability to overcome their programming, but it seems like there are a lot fewer of them are awake to what is going on. While everyone is responsible for their own actions, it is not a surprise that many young women follow the advice they’ve received and end up ruining themselves in the process. That doesn’t make it any less devastating to single men who are looking for a suitable wife, but it helps us understand how we got into this mess and how we can stop it from happening in the future.
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