A satire comedy writing that conveniently points out the truths of my generation.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
Thursday, March 29, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Victim Of Fatal Model X Crash Complained About Tes...
The Daily Messenger: Victim Of Fatal Model X Crash Complained About Tes...: Update : Following the headlines below, and confirmation from Loup Ventures' Gene Munster that Tesla will miss Q1 Model 3 productio...

The Daily Messenger: witches sigil branding by satanists
The Daily Messenger: witches sigil branding by satanists: Clinton-Linked Cult Leader Who Hot-Branded Women Arrested For Sex Trafficking, white slavery, and pedophilia. Keith Raniere, the co-...
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Nasty satanic skanks, aka bull dykes |
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
The Daily Messenger: TESLA auto pilot cause of last three Tesla crash f...
The Daily Messenger: TESLA auto pilot cause of last three Tesla crash f...: Tesla auto pilot wants to kill you. Tesla shares were under pressure early on but news that The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board...
The Daily Messenger: "Want To Freak Yourself Out?" Here Is All The Pers...
The Daily Messenger: "Want To Freak Yourself Out?" Here Is All The Pers...: The Cambridge Analytica scandal was never really about Cambridge Analytica. As we've pointed out, neither Facebook nor Cambridge...
Sunday, March 25, 2018
The Daily Messenger: #deletefacebook
The Daily Messenger: #deletefacebook: As the #deletefacebook campaign gains traction in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal, a number of people have re...
Saturday, March 24, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Another TESLA CAR explodes in flames...yet more pr...

The Daily Messenger: Another TESLA CAR explodes in flames...yet more pr...: Tesla car in SELF DRIVING MODE CATHES FIRE AND THEN SLAMS INTO CENTER DIVIDER, KILLING DRIVER. we reported that in the latest, at the tim...
The Daily Messenger: What to see what Facebook has on you (at a minimum...
The Daily Messenger: What to see what Facebook has on you (at a minimum...: Somehow it has my entire call history with my partner's mum pic.twitter.com/CIRUguf4vD — Dylan McKay (@dylanmckaynz) March 21, 2018 ...

Friday, March 23, 2018
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
The Daily Messenger: surveillance companies
The Daily Messenger: surveillance companies: Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as "surveillanc...
The Daily Messenger: The contrast between civilian and government offic...
The Daily Messenger: The contrast between civilian and government offic...: 25 Year Sentence for Driving Drunk Versus Probation for Prison Guard Who Raped Inmate 25 years without the possibility of parole. Wha...
Monday, March 19, 2018
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Incompetent? Inexperienced? Unskilled? Careless?
The Daily Messenger: Incompetent? Inexperienced? Unskilled? Careless?: Dear America: The Miami Bridge Disaster Was As Avoidable As The Parkland Massacre – Here’s The 411 What happens in a bureaucracy that thi...
Friday, March 16, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Friday, March 9, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Visual proof Gold and Silver are manipulated 3-9-1...
The Daily Messenger: Visual proof Gold and Silver are manipulated 3-9-1...: As you can see from the above chart, the last three days always settled within a very tight range of valuation. This is typical. This pr...

Thursday, March 8, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Say something sexist go to jail, unless you are a ...
The Daily Messenger: Say something sexist go to jail, unless you are a ...: Don't say an F'n word, or you go to jail Head of Vogue Magazine...no wonder women dress like freaks Via The Daily Bell ...

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Amazon Admits Alexa Is Creepily Laughing At People...
The Daily Messenger: Amazon Admits Alexa Is Creepily Laughing At People...: While there are plenty of stories of artificial intelligence gone wrong, it seems many recent new owners of Amazon's Alexa devices hav....

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
'Conservative Activist Trolls Oscar Attendees with exposes Hillary pedophile ring,
The Daily Messenger: 'Conservative Activist Trolls Oscar Attendees with...: Kevin Salling exposes Hillary pedophile ring, found murdered. Conservative Activist Trolls Oscar Attendees with Pedo Facebook Ads...
Monday, March 5, 2018
Sunday, March 4, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Youtube BANS Alex Jones and Infowars, among others...
The Daily Messenger: Youtube BANS Alex Jones and Infowars, among others...: Now that they have effectively erased the 1st amendment - the right to speak your mind, as anyone should, regardless of their opinions - th...

The Daily Messenger: Naturally, my pharmacist couldn't help, but he did...
The Daily Messenger: Naturally, my pharmacist couldn't help, but he did...: Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug , and that's not even accounting for epic burnouts like...
Saturday, March 3, 2018
The Universal Bro Code: Satanic Matriarchy - seed of killers
The Universal Bro Code: Satanic Matriarchy - seed of killers: Satanic takeover of the world and you get lots of dead people who blame it all on God

The Daily Messenger: How the Satanic governments are engineering millio...
The Daily Messenger: How the Satanic governments are engineering millio...: Their key weapon is to make truly needful people who need pain medications feel like scumbag drug addicts. The pharmacies and doctors use s...

Friday, March 2, 2018
Western Universities go FULL RETARD
The Daily Messenger: Western Universities go FULL RETARD: The “Gender Neutral Pronouns” pamphlet, a copy of which was obtained by EVERYONE, tells students that “some people don’t feel like traditi...
Thursday, March 1, 2018
The Daily Messenger: They can hear you: US buses fitted with eavesdropp...
The Daily Messenger: They can hear you: US buses fitted with eavesdropp...: Cities across America are equipping their public transport systems with audio recording devices, potentially storing every word spoken by ...
The Daily Messenger: New cars equipped with 'complimentary' TSA PreChec...
The Daily Messenger: New cars equipped with 'complimentary' TSA PreChec...: image credit: Ford I cannot believe what I am writing, the TSA has officially invaded auto manufacturing. According to...

The Daily Messenger: Rental Cars To Use Facial Recognition To Spy On Yo...
The Daily Messenger: Rental Cars To Use Facial Recognition To Spy On Yo...: By MassPrivateI Five days ago, IDEMIA announced their plan to install facial recognition cameras in rental vehicles. IDEMIA and ...
IDEMIA and Omoove are combining forces to spy on car renters
IDEMIA and Omoove are combining forces to spy on car renters
The Daily Messenger: Satanic Modern Women. Especially witches, pushing ...
The Daily Messenger: Satanic Modern Women. Especially witches, pushing ...: In reality, pan sex freak witch would also be covered in satanic sigil tats The satanic household - wife sleaps with the coven and

The Daily Messenger: New World currency - and it's E based, to be sure....
The Daily Messenger: New World currency - and it's E based, to be sure....: Notice the date...2018! This article and cover was from 1988 Strangely, it resembles bitcoin, another E currency in play. Which is why ...
The Daily Messenger: Turning the PC tables
The Daily Messenger: Turning the PC tables: Do you realize that if someone is a radical Christian he is probably building a hospital, feeding the homeless, doing street witnessing i...
The Daily Messenger: After donating millions annually since 1988, Penn ...
The Daily Messenger: After donating millions annually since 1988, Penn ...: Faculty members at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, have voted by a large majority that the school should annul the degre...
The Daily Messenger: Killing unbiased education, funding MKUltra school...
The Daily Messenger: Killing unbiased education, funding MKUltra school...: Freak deaky education result I still can’t get over the fact that there were fully 248,000 government schools in 1948 [U.S. Census 12...

Negative Transference And Psychological Projection
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White trash will do anyone, anytime |
Two common cognitive biases, negative transference and psychological projection, are evident in most people but especially common in those of the leftoid persuasion. There are also racial differences in vulnerability to each of these ego-assuaging biases, manifesting typically in lower performing and worse-behaving groups who use these coping mechanisms to alleviate or accommodate their feelings of resentment and envy.
Negative transference is a subset of psychological projection. A quick definition:
Transference is having feelings that seem to be about one person when they’re really about someone else. For example, I sometimes think my therapist doesn’t want to listen to me. Really it was my mother who didn’t listen, and I’ve transferred those feelings onto my therapist.Negative transference is similar to scapegoating and blame shifting. Basically, person [A] transfers negative feelings he has for person or group [A2] to an innocent third party [B] when person [A] has an affinity for or emotional connection to person or group [A2] and balks at blaming [A2] for his bad feelings.
Projection is where you think someone else is feeling or behaving in a particular way when actually they’re your feelings or behaviour. I find it hard to feel sad or angry about things I tell my therapist, but I imagine him feeling sad or angry – I project my feelings onto him. And sometimes people accuse others of doing things they are in fact doing themselves.
So transference is about the cause of the feelings, and projection is about who you think is feeling them. Does that help? So your therapist would tell by looking at a) the cause of the feelings and b) where you think they’re coming from.
If you experience your therapist as being distant when really a parent was distant, that’s transference.
If you experience your therapist as being distant when really you’re being distant, that’s projection.
Psychological projection is when person [A] accuses innocent person or group [B] of poor behavior that person [A] is doing himself, or which person [A]’s associated group [A2] is doing. Projection is also a form of blame shifting.
These two powerful cognitive biases are ego emollients because they shift blame away from a person, or away from a group with whom the person positively identifies, to a resented third party person or group.
Which brings me to this observation:
Just like “White racism” is negative transference by blacks who can’t admit it’s black dysfunction and criminal violence that bedevils them, “the patriarchy” is negative transference by women who can’t admit it’s female cattiness, gossip, innuendo, emotional manipulation, and envy of other women’s beauty that bedevils them.
In both cases, blacks and women (particularly feminists) also psychologically project their own bad behavior onto resented outgroups (Whites and men, respectively). So they are covering for themselves as well as for the groups to which they belong.
Negative transference and psychological projection explain A LOT of the current hysterics we see from the BLM crowd, the pussyhat bluehairs, and the…..well, you know who.
The Daily Messenger: Not only are YouTube channels getting taken down, ...
The Daily Messenger: Not only are YouTube channels getting taken down, ...: YouTube is the primary video platform on the web. The purge of channels over the past few days is bad enough, but to prevent creators of ...

Texas students launch 'No Whites Allowed' magazine...
The Daily Messenger: Texas students launch 'No Whites Allowed' magazine...: A group of students at the University of Texas, San Antonio are publishing a “No Whites Allowed” (NWA) magazine. White people were w...

Our Spiritual World: Full Moon Pretty amd Painful
Our Spiritual World: Full Moon Pretty amd Painful: Not 220,000 miles away. In 1969, Nasholes said it was 209,000 miles away, on the day Nimrod 11 launched, NBC TV. It's neither. Rahu,...
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