A satire comedy writing that conveniently points out the truths of my generation.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Millenials Avoiding Divorce Rape In Huge Numbers
Satanic feminism has men in its sites and its shoot to kill with the police and the courts and education. And they claim THEY are the victims.

They’re under 35, they’re college educated with careers. But the men aren’t getting married.
While only 30% of those over 35 are without a partner (many divorced) a whopping 61% of millenials are unpartnered.
“It’s the divorce rapes, they are just too common” said one man. “I’ve worked too hard to give up all my hard earned money to a woman I’ve only been with for a few years”
With more than 70% of divorces initiated by women out of “boredom” men have a right to feel scared. Just ask some of those 30% unpartnered men in the 35-54 age bracket who got divorce raped and ended up not only losing half their posessions but also had to pay wife support and child support totaling more than half their incomes.
The case of News Radio star Dave Foley is well documented. He got divorced during the time he was on the show and a high earner. But when the show ended and his earnings collapsed, he could no longer afford the divorce payouts and became destitute.

The divorces keep on coming as men age, with Baby Boomers continuing to get divorced as they age and amass more wealth for the taking. Their divorce rates have increased from 15% in the 1970s to almost 50% today.
The family courts are simply corrupt, handing everything to women who most likely were unfaithful to their men. They see big dollars and want out. Men end up paying for their children as remote money siphons, children they will no longer get to see while “Paco” moves in with Mom and they get to live the rest of their lives as one big party. One reason women fight so hard for custody of their children is that it means they will never have to work again. Even in cases where men earned LESS than the women, men are still being forced to pay support to the ex wife. Until these policies change, America is in a demographic time-bomb and our population will change, losing our best and brightest and being re-filled with … well “Paco”s. Tax revenues which already are not enough to pay social security or the basic budget will collapse leaving Amerika in a terrible situation. The nation itself will become ripe for invasion as the once hard working productive class will have become so utterly demoralized they will say “well it might go better under the Chinese”. Expanding out of their port in Long Beach, they will be greeted by burrito vendors for who it matters not one whit who the customer is. For them, life will seem the same.
Russell pointed to data that shows marriage rates increase for younger Americans in connection with salaries. Fewer than half of men between the ages of 30 and 34 who earn less than $40,000 a year are married. More than half of those who make more than $40,000 a year are married, including two-thirds of those who make between $75,000 and $100,000 a year.
Women are targeting the higher earners because they know that that will turn into their big divorce payday in the near future. But the new trend is disturbing, because more and more of these “successful” men are going their own way and avoiding women altogether.

Well sure-ly things are improving, the divorce rates are dropping. They have been since about 1980. Sadly, that is the wrong interpretation of the following chart. What has happened is that marriage has declined so much, there are fewer marriages to divorce. Instead, the real rate is probably a straight line, having reached PEAK HORROR in 1980 and now there are fewer and fewer people in marriages period.
Look at the numbers of children who are blessed to live in a married household. It has collapsed. Why? Because either through divorce rape or through single woman supporting government, women have a cash train to keep them high on the hog without men.

So we have to ask what can be done. Clearly we have many issues pushing us to a dysgenic population future which will be a third world state. One of the big issues will be to reform divorce court with caps on percentage of income after taxes which can be allotted to wives who divorce. Would more men marry if women could only get 10% of total assets and 10% of their salary in support? What if it was capped at 5%? Whatever the number, reforms are needed.
We also need programs to re-order women’s path so they marry at 18 after high school, have four or five children, then enter college later if they wish. The tax system should support this path with large credits for doing so, but instead its ShaQuana in the ghetto who has 10 kids and sits and picks her nose while collecting welfare stamps for each child. This abuse also has to be utterly and completely reformed.
Universities with their huge endowments can do much more. Students who are married with children and having children require supportive housing, medical, and free child care. This should be STANDARD at all universities. Today the numbers of students beginning their families is rare to non existent, but it needs to become the norm. More people would consider it if more Universities set up these programs and advertised them. As most universities are a rich country club, it’s ridiculous that they are not more family positive.
Another key step is that women need to grasp the concept of taking a pause to have families, either before university or concomitant with it. The go straight out of the gates at full speed into the cube slave traps needs to be reformed. People need time for love, not massive overwork and taxing educations. As a whole, society needs to ease back on the accelerator. Two weeks of vacation a year? Is this really survivable? Living in Europe, it was clear to see how relaxed people were with even the poor working class having families and children easily on the state plans. A lot of our current society is based on the industrial revolution fat-cats work the people like cattle approach. It needs to change.
It will take efforts on all sides. Unfortunately, people do not realize that we are facing utter collapse as a nation – NON EXISTENCE – if these policies continue another ten years. It may already be late. We will become a third rate third world welfare state if we do not change course and change hard, full push on that rudder as hard as we can.
Women who divorce because they want to jump to new men and follow their sexual foibles should be shamed not supported by society but somehow every last one of them becomes a vestal virgin once in divorce court. Only when women see divorce as a path to poverty and destruction and only seek it under the most dire circumstances will our nation reform.
There is also a racial component to divorce. Marriage is a Europanic judeo-christian contract. It is making less and less sense to the new dysgenic diaspora that now resides in the once great United States. Even with the divorce rates reaching staggering levels, at the time of childbirth Europanic Americans only have unwed children at a 28% rate, compare that to the 53% rate for Hispanic and 75% rate for blacks. This is a direct result of welfare handouts. Another game Hispanics often play is they never declare the marriage between the 40 year old husband and the 15 year old wife, well it would be illegal in America anyways. The welfare handouts are slanted to single mothers for one reason – America does not want women and children huddled in the streets. As long as they are hidden away there is no issue with the huge poverty in America. But sadly this policy, which shifts so much of the welfare support to women who have never paid into the system, utterly destroys men who after a lifetime of contribution get almost nothing. The government doesn’t really care if men are sitting shivering and hungry in the streets.

The problem with the Trump Revolution is they tend to think in terms of day to day fiscal problems, but never the underlying dysgenic policies. That’s why a Plan for Trump is needed. To reform our CORE which has rotted from welfare abuse, divorce raping women, and an utterly demoralized middle class man.
While only 30% of those over 35 are without a partner (many divorced) a whopping 61% of millenials are unpartnered.
“It’s the divorce rapes, they are just too common” said one man. “I’ve worked too hard to give up all my hard earned money to a woman I’ve only been with for a few years”
With more than 70% of divorces initiated by women out of “boredom” men have a right to feel scared. Just ask some of those 30% unpartnered men in the 35-54 age bracket who got divorce raped and ended up not only losing half their posessions but also had to pay wife support and child support totaling more than half their incomes.
The case of News Radio star Dave Foley is well documented. He got divorced during the time he was on the show and a high earner. But when the show ended and his earnings collapsed, he could no longer afford the divorce payouts and became destitute.

The divorces keep on coming as men age, with Baby Boomers continuing to get divorced as they age and amass more wealth for the taking. Their divorce rates have increased from 15% in the 1970s to almost 50% today.
The family courts are simply corrupt, handing everything to women who most likely were unfaithful to their men. They see big dollars and want out. Men end up paying for their children as remote money siphons, children they will no longer get to see while “Paco” moves in with Mom and they get to live the rest of their lives as one big party. One reason women fight so hard for custody of their children is that it means they will never have to work again. Even in cases where men earned LESS than the women, men are still being forced to pay support to the ex wife. Until these policies change, America is in a demographic time-bomb and our population will change, losing our best and brightest and being re-filled with … well “Paco”s. Tax revenues which already are not enough to pay social security or the basic budget will collapse leaving Amerika in a terrible situation. The nation itself will become ripe for invasion as the once hard working productive class will have become so utterly demoralized they will say “well it might go better under the Chinese”. Expanding out of their port in Long Beach, they will be greeted by burrito vendors for who it matters not one whit who the customer is. For them, life will seem the same.
Russell pointed to data that shows marriage rates increase for younger Americans in connection with salaries. Fewer than half of men between the ages of 30 and 34 who earn less than $40,000 a year are married. More than half of those who make more than $40,000 a year are married, including two-thirds of those who make between $75,000 and $100,000 a year.
Women are targeting the higher earners because they know that that will turn into their big divorce payday in the near future. But the new trend is disturbing, because more and more of these “successful” men are going their own way and avoiding women altogether.
Well sure-ly things are improving, the divorce rates are dropping. They have been since about 1980. Sadly, that is the wrong interpretation of the following chart. What has happened is that marriage has declined so much, there are fewer marriages to divorce. Instead, the real rate is probably a straight line, having reached PEAK HORROR in 1980 and now there are fewer and fewer people in marriages period.
Look at the numbers of children who are blessed to live in a married household. It has collapsed. Why? Because either through divorce rape or through single woman supporting government, women have a cash train to keep them high on the hog without men.

So we have to ask what can be done. Clearly we have many issues pushing us to a dysgenic population future which will be a third world state. One of the big issues will be to reform divorce court with caps on percentage of income after taxes which can be allotted to wives who divorce. Would more men marry if women could only get 10% of total assets and 10% of their salary in support? What if it was capped at 5%? Whatever the number, reforms are needed.
We also need programs to re-order women’s path so they marry at 18 after high school, have four or five children, then enter college later if they wish. The tax system should support this path with large credits for doing so, but instead its ShaQuana in the ghetto who has 10 kids and sits and picks her nose while collecting welfare stamps for each child. This abuse also has to be utterly and completely reformed.
Universities with their huge endowments can do much more. Students who are married with children and having children require supportive housing, medical, and free child care. This should be STANDARD at all universities. Today the numbers of students beginning their families is rare to non existent, but it needs to become the norm. More people would consider it if more Universities set up these programs and advertised them. As most universities are a rich country club, it’s ridiculous that they are not more family positive.
Another key step is that women need to grasp the concept of taking a pause to have families, either before university or concomitant with it. The go straight out of the gates at full speed into the cube slave traps needs to be reformed. People need time for love, not massive overwork and taxing educations. As a whole, society needs to ease back on the accelerator. Two weeks of vacation a year? Is this really survivable? Living in Europe, it was clear to see how relaxed people were with even the poor working class having families and children easily on the state plans. A lot of our current society is based on the industrial revolution fat-cats work the people like cattle approach. It needs to change.
It will take efforts on all sides. Unfortunately, people do not realize that we are facing utter collapse as a nation – NON EXISTENCE – if these policies continue another ten years. It may already be late. We will become a third rate third world welfare state if we do not change course and change hard, full push on that rudder as hard as we can.
Women who divorce because they want to jump to new men and follow their sexual foibles should be shamed not supported by society but somehow every last one of them becomes a vestal virgin once in divorce court. Only when women see divorce as a path to poverty and destruction and only seek it under the most dire circumstances will our nation reform.
There is also a racial component to divorce. Marriage is a Europanic judeo-christian contract. It is making less and less sense to the new dysgenic diaspora that now resides in the once great United States. Even with the divorce rates reaching staggering levels, at the time of childbirth Europanic Americans only have unwed children at a 28% rate, compare that to the 53% rate for Hispanic and 75% rate for blacks. This is a direct result of welfare handouts. Another game Hispanics often play is they never declare the marriage between the 40 year old husband and the 15 year old wife, well it would be illegal in America anyways. The welfare handouts are slanted to single mothers for one reason – America does not want women and children huddled in the streets. As long as they are hidden away there is no issue with the huge poverty in America. But sadly this policy, which shifts so much of the welfare support to women who have never paid into the system, utterly destroys men who after a lifetime of contribution get almost nothing. The government doesn’t really care if men are sitting shivering and hungry in the streets.

The problem with the Trump Revolution is they tend to think in terms of day to day fiscal problems, but never the underlying dysgenic policies. That’s why a Plan for Trump is needed. To reform our CORE which has rotted from welfare abuse, divorce raping women, and an utterly demoralized middle class man.
The Daily Messenger: Japan's Largest Bank Is Preparing For A Bitcoin rip off
The Daily Messenger: Japan's Largest Bank Is Preparing For A Bitcoin Ex...: These BITCOIN EXCHANGES going dark or collapsing or THEY JUST PLAIN TURNED OFF THE FILE SERVERS AND RAN OFF WITH THE MONEY, happen frequent...
The Daily Messenger: Appealing to the lowest of lows
The Daily Messenger: Appealing to the lowest of lows: New York where all the bartenders are robots: The guy sits down at the bar on Christmas Day and the robot asks: “What will you have?...
Sunday, December 24, 2017
The Daily Messenger: An satanist organization took out an ad in the New ...
The Daily Messenger: An atheist organization took out an ad in the New ...: The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) – an organization of witches and covens that champions abortion and LGBT rights – displays...

The Daily Messenger: The Insanity of the satanic memes of 2017/2018. Up...
The Daily Messenger: The Insanity of the satanic memes of 2017/2018. Up...: We live in revolutionary times. Wild things happened in 2017, and they’ll keep happening next year. In these dangerous political times,...
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
Our Spiritual World: Ancient Discoveries That Will Have Massive Implica...
Our Spiritual World: Ancient Discoveries That Will Have Massive Implica...: Sorry, YouTube deleted the video I put up. TMI... Point is, Giants - the Nephilim - are and were the offspring of Lucifer's bitches, t...

Swedish Jihadists Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest Aft...
The Daily Messenger: Swedish Jihadists Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest Aft...: Hundreds took to the streets in the southern Swedish town of Malmo this week to protest the government's response to a three brutal...
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Modern dating has been turned into a satanic cesspool...
What does the massive and radical change in the way men and women
meet each other mean for Western society? Can we glimpse the ropey
contours of our future Jizztopia?
Relevant, from that older CH post,
Neither will college, as long as it remains a warehouse for aggrieved Diversity and intellectually mediocre but conscientious girls, and antagonistic to young White men. Feminist cuntsent culture is turning campuses into anhedonic deserts.
Family? Age of first marriage is later than ever, fertility is down, single mommery is way up, miscegenation is up, and families are geographically and socially atomized to the edge of becoming total strangers with a shared genealogy. Family will continue its downward slide as a matchmaker.
Meeting as coworkers? MEEEE TOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Nope, the days of the corporate office as informal imprimatur of marital proposals are past us. The future is the increasingly rare (and risky) after hours bang in the janitor closet.
Social media, video gaming, porn, and the attendant isolation are
undermining the service of friends as the primary means of bringing
people together for the making of loves. It’s possible friends can come
back as the major matchmaking vector, but I wouldn’t count on it
happening until Generation Zyklon matures, and by that time it will have assumed a much different pallor than what it has been for most of the last sixty years.
Online dating is stagnating. I predict it will crash further, for the reasons noted above.
Restaurant/Bar is the new Family/Church, and given that post-atomization friends mostly meet offline at bars nowadays, these venues will also be quasi-dating services run by close friends and acquaintances. The upward trend should continue.
Relevant, from that older CH post,
This isn’t your Greatest Generation’s dating market. Prairie farm ladies aren’t waiting at home for a battle-weary man to rescue them from spinsterhood. Women aren’t effusively grateful to men for giving them the opportunity to exit the singles market. The sexual market has, in sum, devolved from a K-selected one to an r-selected one, and all that goes with such a cataclysmic change. The era of High Male Investment and Low Male Sexiness courtship signaling — poems and flowers and punctuality and appeasing her parents and stressing your financial stability and lavishing her with promises of eternal devotion — is OVER. Or, at least, its effectiveness greatly attenuated. We are now in the era of Low Male Investment and High Male Sexiness, or altered perceptions thereof.Church won’t be restored as a meeting place for singles any time soon, barring some unforeseen seismic shift in attitudes toward religiosity and patriarchy (the two go together when both are healthy).
Neither will college, as long as it remains a warehouse for aggrieved Diversity and intellectually mediocre but conscientious girls, and antagonistic to young White men. Feminist cuntsent culture is turning campuses into anhedonic deserts.
Family? Age of first marriage is later than ever, fertility is down, single mommery is way up, miscegenation is up, and families are geographically and socially atomized to the edge of becoming total strangers with a shared genealogy. Family will continue its downward slide as a matchmaker.
Meeting as coworkers? MEEEE TOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Nope, the days of the corporate office as informal imprimatur of marital proposals are past us. The future is the increasingly rare (and risky) after hours bang in the janitor closet.
![]() |
blond skank is covered in satanic themed tattoos. Yuk. Imagine how nauseating she is in bed when the clothes are off. |
Online dating is stagnating. I predict it will crash further, for the reasons noted above.
Restaurant/Bar is the new Family/Church, and given that post-atomization friends mostly meet offline at bars nowadays, these venues will also be quasi-dating services run by close friends and acquaintances. The upward trend should continue.
Our Spiritual World: How and when we came to be, ages before this or an...
Our Spiritual World: How and when we came to be, ages before this or an...: Proverbs 8: 22 The Lord made me the beginning of his ways for his works. 23 He established me before time was in the beginning, befor...

The Daily Messenger: Multiple Injuries Reported After Car Plows Into Ce...
The Daily Messenger: Multiple Injuries Reported After Car Plows Into Ce...: When the Jihadists see Xmas shoppers they go all jack ripper and a little funny in the head. Coming soon to America , as it is elsewhere. Y...

Wednesday, December 20, 2017
pure post hoc, ergo propter hamster rationalization. Niceguys hear this crap all the time from women — a glorified it’s not you, it’s me
The Tingle Laughs At Your Idiotic Human Rationales
December 20, 2017 by CH
Later on in the reply to the comment section so as to further explain why she said what she said about him being too weak.This is pure post hoc, ergo propter hamster rationalization. Niceguys hear this crap all the time from women — a glorified it’s not you, it’s me — and it must drive them batty. Imagine you’re the niceguy dating JudgyBitch and she dumps you because…wait for it…she was afraid she would treat you like crap.
She said partly it was because she couldn’t trust herself to be a good wife for him, that his willingness to bend over would end up with her mistreating him.
To some extent it seems like she was doing it to also avoid becoming like her father/mother had been.
So treating him like disposable crap and dumping him is the solution to treating him like reusable crap while still fucking him.
You’d have to forgive a guy for thinking that’s a load of self-serving BS and the real reason is something else. The typical nice guy would be glad for more time in Pound Town and a chance to decide for himself if she’s mistreating him.
I don’t mean to pinch a steamer on JudgyBitch’s parade. As far as one can bitchily judge from a single blog post confessional, she seems like a decent woman who turned she life around. She made an edible omelette out of some very rotten eggs, defying what could have been her genetic fate. She doesn’t hate men, which is a minor miracle in this day and age. And scanning her archives, it appears she’s /ourgal/, so I can’t find it in me to savage her hamster too much.
But I will use her as a springboard to remind the beta males strolling into this happy hunting ground that whatever reason a woman gives you for dumping you, it’s WAAAAY downstream from the real reason, which is that your niceness shut off her tingle spigot.
The tingle is immunized against all rationalizations: one may call it a splooge, gush, womb flume, squirting hibiscus, it all runs off her vagina like tepid beta sperm off a greasy keyboard. But call the tingle a command center of the female vessel and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I didn’t want to hurt him!”
This is important, because it gets to the heart of what this blog is about: Don’t listen to what women say; instead, watch what women do.
A woman will NEVER dump a nice guy because she’s afraid of hurting him. Or for any other rationalization that sounds good to community college couples therapists. A woman WILL dump a nice guy if she stops wanting to fuck him.
It’s only when a woman’s tingles dry up that the thought of her nice guy boyfriend touching her repulses her, and it’s only when that happens that she rationalizes plausible sounding but nevertheless fantastical reasons for why her labia furled like a slug under a shower of salt.
The Tingle is the gom jabbar. The one ring to rule them all. The Voight-Kampff replicant test. The cosmic palimpsest. The Prime Directive. The Force. Women DO NOT STOP FUCKING a man who gives them the Tingle. Women DO NOT DUMP a man who gives them the Tingle. Women DO DUMP a man, for sundry rationales, who is incapable of giving, or has stopped giving, them the Tingle.
Once the Tingle is gone, a woman’s heart is gone, and her head is recruited to gussy up the only reason for the coldness in her heart and vagina.
No matter how nicely a man treats a woman, no matter how much of a gentleman he is to her, she won’t love him as long as he doesn’t give her the Tingle. If a woman doesn’t feel the Tingle, she’ll rationalize any nice behavior from a nice guy as bad behavior, or as behavior that incites her to bad behavior. She will invent new and creative reasons for dumping the nice guy, reasons that could fill a ten page listicle in Teen Vogue, when the reducible truth is that his niceness desiccates her vagina.
Similarly, no matter how badly a man treats a woman, no matter how much of an asshole he is to her, she will not leave him as long as he gives her the Tingle. If she feels it, she’ll rationalize any shitty behavior from a man as good behavior, or as reasonable and predictable behavior caused by her own bad behavior, and invent new and creative reasons for staying with him. Sure she will bitch and moan and continually ignore her friends’ advice to dump him, but she’ll always run back to his arms, happy to be with the man who coaxes the Tingle from her. Maybe, some day in the distant future, she will have put up with enough of his assholery and decide leaving him is better than more Tingles, but she won’t do it without plenty of personal anguish, and she’ll never feel great about leaving him.
The nice guy? She’ll hardly spare a second for the pain of losing him. *shrug* No Tingle, No Linger. But he will make an appearance in a blog post about a journey of self-discovery, as the token emotional tampon.
The Daily Messenger: Our mentally ill, government paid for ugly adulter...
The Daily Messenger: Our mentally ill, government paid for ugly adulter...: These billboards are showing up all over England, Norway, Germany, etc...we're next At our post office in Ojai, the walls are cove...

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Sexual Market Mysteries, Solved
A vignette.
I’m standing in the cashier line.
A young (late teens, early 20s) couple are ahead of me.
Did not see a ring on her.
Dorky man, bombshell blonde.
He doesn’t look like he has a lot of money.
Still, there they are, she’s all over him.
WTF I wonder.
At register, cashier tells dork the total.
He motions to blonde, “Nope, she’s buying.”
He walks off as she’s paying.
She pays, skips after him, all smiles.
Yup, mystery solved, I say to myself.
The solution to this mystery is in recognizing who was the “prize” in the relationship. A small moment like what transpired in this vignette revealed the prize was the dorky man. When a woman looks up to a man and when she is chasing him for his validation, she sees right past his dorky face to the alpha male within.
#SlutPride, meet your nemesis #StudPride.
“The attitude dictates that you don’t care whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays. I mean whatever happens, your toes are still tappin’. Now when you got that, then you have the attitude.”
The Daily Messenger: Electric Cars Pollute The Environment More Than Gas...
The Daily Messenger: Electric Cars Pollute The Environment More Than Ga...: Several studies have come to the same conclusion, if you want to save the environment DON’T buy an electric car. “Who cares about 50% mo...

The Daily Messenger: There are ALWAYS TWO assassinations of any modern ...
The Daily Messenger: There are ALWAYS TWO assassinations of any modern ...: DB 1. The first assassination is usually the physical one, with a LONE GUNMAN PATSY, setup far in advance and placed by manipulation at t...

Ongoing effort to attack, smear, and malign Trump by CIA
The Daily Messenger: Ongoing effort to attack, smear, and malign a man ...: Trump Accuser Who Took Mortgage Payoff, Tried To Get Job As Trump's Makeup Artist - HONEY POT GETS ANGLED IN FOR THE KILL A New York ...
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Our Spiritual World: #MagicResistance: The Rise of Feminist Witchcraft
Our Spiritual World: #MagicResistance: The Rise of Feminist Witchcraft: by Charlie Nash 17 Dec 2017 3982 From organizing mass hexes to setting up witch-themed Etsy stores, the feminist movement ...
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
The Daily Messenger: BLM Whistleblower Larry Wooten, BLM has a KILL LIS...
The Daily Messenger: BLM Whistleblower Larry Wooten, BLM has a KILL LIS...: BLM Whistleblower Larry Wooten 18 page report is just coming out. BLM Dan Love had a “KILL LIST”, the Targets were the Bundy Rancher Fami...
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Burning down Southern California Updated DAILY
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California Updated DAILY: Your Village Dork DB, me love you long time Reporter in the mix of the Thomas Fire DB An evil plan, to an evil place...was...
The Daily Messenger: Japan Bans mentally ill men who think they are wom...
The Daily Messenger: Japan Bans mentally ill men who think they are wom...: By Samuel Tobias Most famous mentally ill freakazoid on the planet At the risk of breaking a personal journalistic rule of devoting...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California Updated DAILY
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California Updated 12-10-17: An evil plan, to an evil place...wasn't always thus. But the witches came and came, and soured the Earth. Save for a few decent sorts...
Monday, December 11, 2017
The Daily Messenger: A lady going aroud for the last several days grabb...
The Daily Messenger: A lady going aroud for the last several days grabb...: Yes, that's right. The house next door is used as a safe house some 30 times a year, always with different people, for a day or two, wh...
Sunday, December 10, 2017
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California Updated
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California Updated: An evil plan, to an evil place...wasn't always thus. But the witches came and came, and soured the Earth. Save for a few decent sorts...
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California
The Daily Messenger: Burning down Southern California: This blog will be updated hourly today, but I have to evacuate and before that, go back into the fire to rescue someone's animals and b...
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Feds Bring Charges Against Kate’s Killer – “WE’LL JUST DEPORT HIM AGAIN LOL”
Feds Bring Charges Against Kate’s Killer, at best he will serve 18 months in prison. If a white guy stole a feds gun and killed a black man, he'd get life - at least
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2017
Whatever that is is good.

It doesn’t matter.
One dead woman for an infinite propaganda victory.
Because this doesn’t just prove that spics will randomly kill you and/or your family members – it proves that spic juries will be like “BUT HE DID NOTHING WRONG.”
We have a situation that is not workable. People need to understand what is happening. And there is no better headline than “MEXICAN JURY DECIDES MEXICAN WHO WAS DEPORTED FIVE TIMES AND STOLE A FEDERAL AGENT’S GUN AND USED IT TO SHOOT A RANDOM WHITE WOMAN DID NOTHING WRONG.”
And then the fact that the entire media made it a racial issue – that you are a racist if you think it should be against the law for Mexicans to kill white people randomly – wew. I mean, these spics coming out and saying that “hate was defeated,” and then the antifa protesting IN SUPPORT of Kate’s death?
You can’t buy propaganda like that, folks.
I hope Jeff Sessions deports Zarate, he breaks back in and commits a Friday the 13th-type bikini massacre and the Mexican jury rules that he had to do it because he was trying to stop Freddy from invading his dreams.

And then Jeff Sessions is like “aww jeez, Trump, jeez, what’re we gonna do, Trump, I guess we’ll just have to deport him a seventh time, Trump, aw jeez man.”

Daily Stormer
December 6, 2017
Whatever that is is good.
The undocumented immigrant who fatally shot a young San Francisco woman at a popular tourist spot two years ago has been indicted on two federal charges in connection with the controversial case.So this guy steals a gun from a federal agent’s car, shoots a woman randomly, after he’s been deported FIVE TIMES – and the plan is to deport him again, Jeff?
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who was acquitted last week of state murder and involuntary manslaughter charges, was charged Tuesday with one count of a felon in possession of firearm and one count of an immigrant in possession of a firearm.
Garcia Zarate’s acquittal in Kate Steinle’s death prompted a firestorm of criticism from President Donald Trump and conservatives toward San Francisco, a so-called sanctuary city. Garcia Zarate was found guilty on a state charge of being a felon is possession of a firearm and could face up to three years in prison.
Immigration officials have said they want to deport him. Garcia Zarate claimed the shooting was accidental.

It doesn’t matter.
One dead woman for an infinite propaganda victory.
Because this doesn’t just prove that spics will randomly kill you and/or your family members – it proves that spic juries will be like “BUT HE DID NOTHING WRONG.”
We have a situation that is not workable. People need to understand what is happening. And there is no better headline than “MEXICAN JURY DECIDES MEXICAN WHO WAS DEPORTED FIVE TIMES AND STOLE A FEDERAL AGENT’S GUN AND USED IT TO SHOOT A RANDOM WHITE WOMAN DID NOTHING WRONG.”
And then the fact that the entire media made it a racial issue – that you are a racist if you think it should be against the law for Mexicans to kill white people randomly – wew. I mean, these spics coming out and saying that “hate was defeated,” and then the antifa protesting IN SUPPORT of Kate’s death?
You can’t buy propaganda like that, folks.
I hope Jeff Sessions deports Zarate, he breaks back in and commits a Friday the 13th-type bikini massacre and the Mexican jury rules that he had to do it because he was trying to stop Freddy from invading his dreams.

And then Jeff Sessions is like “aww jeez, Trump, jeez, what’re we gonna do, Trump, I guess we’ll just have to deport him a seventh time, Trump, aw jeez man.”

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