A satire comedy writing that conveniently points out the truths of my generation.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
New Device Allows Cops To Download All Of Your Sma...
The Daily Messenger: New Device Allows Cops To Download All Of Your Sma...: The truth is, most cops download your phone data anyways, when they take it back to their cruiser under false pretenses. they have a device...
Why Women Over 30 Are a No-Go Zone
There’s no escaping the stampede of fat, bitchy, American women.
They’re everywhere you look, and everywhere you’re trying not to look.
They’re at the grocery store, the mall, the workplace, the bar. They
have become so common at this point, I would start a business selling
them out of giant gumball machines if it weren’t for the fact that
nobody would pay a fucking quarter for them. And worst of all, this fat
is generally piled onto a very sizable portion of the single women out there who are available to date.
Over 160 million out of the 320 million people who make up the population of the United States are enormous blobs of bloated shit, and some estimates are showing that three out of every four Americans will be overweight by the year 2020—an overwhelming 75 percent.
One of the most common thoughts that will pop into your head when you’re out and about is, “If that chick would just drop 20-30 pounds, she would be a total smoke show.” It’s one of the saddest things to witness because you can really see the potential hiding beneath the blubber on so many of these women.
So, what does a man do when he’s surrounded by a bunch of waddling
fat-fucks and things aren’t looking up? He looks down, and what does he
find when he looks down? The dreaded single female over the age of 30.
As a rule, I typically view the vast majority of single women over 30 in
the same way I view those little gnats that fly around horse cocks when
it’s hot outside: they’re annoying, worthless, and probably have
However, exceptions can and will be made for the better pecker gnats among us. A woman over 30 who goes the extra mile to take care of herself and possesses a physique that resembles a female human being certainly scores more points than some 250-pound warthog in her early to mid-twenties. But dating these older women is a depressing concession to make because they are—without question—the most fucked-up group of people you’ll ever have the misfortune of interacting with:

I’m sure some guys get off when a woman howls like a strangled cat in the bedroom, but experience has shown this to be salesmanship more than anything else. They’re trying to inflate your ego, to make you feel like you’re “the man,” and that none of the other two dozen “daddies” who came before you fucked with such dick-wielding precision. The idea is if they can get you to buy into their bullshit, then you’re much more likely to commit and stick around.
But the truth comes to the surface when you end things. Once you send the “I think this little thing of ours has run its course and it’s time to move on” text, you suddenly morph from a master cock slinger into a guy who can’t fuck for shit and has no idea how to “satisfy a woman.” Just a week ago you were an orgasm dispensing machine of vaginal destruction, but now you’re an impotent no-dick-having loser who doesn’t know what the hell you’re doing—it’s hilarious. You’ll seldom see younger women behaving this way when a relationship ends.
Now, despite the obnoxious sounds and transparent platitudes that come out of these aging creatures, the sex itself will be decent to above average in many cases—they’re trying to reel you in, after all. But it’s important not to conflate good mechanical sex skills with passion, desire, or—God forbid—love, because those things aren’t truly there. You’re only getting the illusion of those things, and it’s all by design.
It’s just good pussy: it was good for all of those other motherfuckers, too. You’re not getting anything that everyone else hasn’t gotten already. These women didn’t spend their late teens and early twenties learning how to cook or developing the skills that would make them good wives and mothers: they were learning how to suck a mean dick and becoming top-tier leg spreaders.
When the only thing you have going for you is sex, it stands to reason that you would be pretty good at it. So use these women for that one thing while disregarding their loudmouthed, ego stroking bedroom antics, and save your commitment for a younger, less tainted woman who will display genuine passion and affection during your intimate times together (if you can find one, of course).

Women in their twenties, especially early twenties, have a certain
scent to them. It’s the scent of fertility and youthful exuberance; it’s
the scent of a woman in her prime. A woman over 30 has a smell that
says, “Knock this one up, and the kid will pop out with a nipple where
one of his eyeballs should be.” All of the soaps, perfumes, and lotions
in the world cannot change this—it’s the natural scent of the “seasoned”
woman, and it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
This is one of nature’s ways of telling a man when a woman is over the hill. The chances of miscarriage go up drastically once a woman passes 30. The chances for birth defects—autism especially—all go up significantly as well. All pregnancies past the age of 35 are considered “high risk,” and that’s if these women can conceive children at all.
Hard living is normal living for the vast majority of women nowadays. A body that has consumed massive quantities of alcohol, recreational/prescription drugs, birth control pills and cocks, all combined with father time, is a body that is completely corrupted and polluted; it’s a body that is not suitable for motherhood. Your olfactory receptors can pick up on all of this, and you’ll more than likely notice yourself being slightly turned off whenever you catch a whiff of a woman whose better days are behind her.

Not only do these women smell different, but they feel different as
well. They are squishier, softer, and less firm due to their advancing
age, but harder at the same time; it’s a strange sensation. Sluts always
seem to have a rigid, inflexible feel to them. This is true regardless
of age, but it gets worse with time and “experience.”
It sort of resembles a permanent “clinched” feeling, as if the muscles are constantly contracted or flexed—a case of rigor mortis in the undead, so to speak. Some may argue that perhaps this hardness is due to an inability on my part to make these women feel comfortable or relaxed, but I contest it’s due to their inability to feel comfortable or relaxed with themselves.
Imagine making life decisions that always result in unnecessary drama, calamity, and hardship as opposed to ones that would be ideal for you, your family, and your community. Imagine having an abortion or two after sleeping with a string of men whose first names you can’t remember, and whose last names you never knew. Imagine always taking the road most traveled: the road that leads to Xanax bars and empty bottles of cheap pinot noir.
Imagine doing all of these things from the time you’re a teenager all the way up until you’re on the wrong side of 30, and then try to come away from it all as a soft, lovable, well-adjusted human being who’s comfortable in your own skin—good fucking luck. These women feel hardened for a reason, and that reason is them.
If you were to describe the “thousand cock stare” or sociopathic/Cluster B gaze, you would typically use words like “empty” or “dead inside.” But if you really look at these women, you can see the tension stemming from their inner turmoil. You can see the pent-up contempt and self-loathing that consumes them. The aggression, the anger, the malice—it’s all lurking just beneath the surface, ready to unleash itself once the thin threads of sanity and civility snap for whatever reason.
All of this is not only present in the eyes, it’s on the body as well. You can truly feel the damage, antipathy, and tension when you’re in physical contact with these women. It’s not a pleasant experience, and it’s not something you should ignore. We have instincts for a reason, and one of the perils of living in a modern liberal society is that we’ve been brainwashed from a young age to ignore these instincts.
Women over 30 prey upon this brainwashing by using words like “judgmental” or “paranoid” in an attempt to elicit shame, which is why these words should always viewed as unofficial synonyms for “gut feelings” and “intuition.” Pay attention to these gut feelings—they will be amplified when you’re in the hardened, unloving embrace of a declining older woman who has been through far too much to retain her humanity.
Are you a fan of boat anchors, punctuation marks, or winged insects?
Does your dick get hard when you see a raccoon’s footprints, a horoscope
sign, or Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? If so, then I’ve got some news
that will make your day: on single women over 30, you’ll get to look at
these things constantly, seeing as most of them have deemed it prudent
to have some high school dropout with shaky hands and a drug problem
permanently scrawl this kind of retarded shit all over their bodies.
And to make matters worse, looking at this “artwork” is just the tip of the iceberg, because if you’ve made it to the point where you’re looking at it, then at least you’ve made it on to phase two in most cases: the point where you’re getting laid. Phase one is much worse. This is when you get to sit, listen, and pretend like you could give two shits and a greasy fart about the stories that come along with their perma-doodles. An example:
Look, here’s the deal with women and their tattoos: whatever reason
they give you for having one, that reason exists just the same as it
would without it. That idiot in the above exchange was born between July
23rd and August 22nd—she’s a Leo with or without the king of the jungle
etched into her skin. If a relative or close friend has passed away,
then getting a tattoo doesn’t somehow intensify one’s love for that
individual, and it certainly doesn’t change the fact that they’re gone.
If someone has accomplished something that makes them proud, a tattoo
won’t make the accomplishment any more—or any less—significant.
When a woman gets a tattoo to serve as a reminder to be “strong” or to “persevere,” what’s she’s truly conveying is that she’s a weak-willed, simple-minded dumbass. Every human being who has ever existed has had to be strong and persevere on some level, and well over 99 percent of them managed to pull it off without some lame-ass motivational quote or Bible verse (Leviticus 19:28, anyone?) scrawled all over their bodies.
“But-but-but tattoos are common in many cultures and have been for centuries!” argues the 32-year-old strumpet who got a meaningless butterfly tramp stamp back in ’04 during one of her many alcohol and pecker fueled evenings at college, but says it’s to honor the dead grandma that she never called or visited at the nursing home located just down the street from her house. Correct, whore, tattoos are common in many cultures: savage, third world, haven’t-accomplished-shit cultures.
Heard of any groundbreaking technological breakthroughs or feats of engineering coming out of Western Samoa or Papua New Guinea recently? Yeah, me neither, but I’m sure they’ll get around to it—as soon as they’re done building houses out of doo-doo, and chucking rocks at coconut trees to knock down their fucking dinner.
Primitive people do primitive shit, which is why tatted up women have become so common in degenerate modern America. They’re doing what feral, uncivilized people have been doing all along: going backwards, not forward, and this is the direction things will continue heading for the foreseeable future.
A single woman over 30—or any woman, for that matter—with tattoos is
showcasing the fact that she makes bad decisions. Not only are these
rapidly fading out symbols of sucking at life an eyesore, they’re also a
clear and definitive indicator of when a woman is to serve strictly as a
warm slab of meat for a man to temporarily stick his dick inside. As
for any single women over 30 who are thinking about getting a new
tattoo, allow me to make a recommendation:

If you were to look through Ray Charles’ eyes at a piece of sunburnt
licorice trapped inside a smoke-filled car with tinted windows at
midnight, then you would be well on your way to replicating the pitch
black abyss that is the dookie dispenser of the average white woman over
30. It’s absolutely disgusting.
You’re probably wondering, “How the hell did you find out this information?” The fucking hard way—that’s how. Now, I always practice safe sex with aging skanks: with the lights out, or, worse case scenario, very dim. This is so I don’t see something I don’t want to see. Taking this precaution has served me well for the most part, and has gone a long way in concealing all of the unsavory features that unfortunately exist in stronger lighting.
However, one day I met up with one of the chicks I was seeing for an afternoon sex session. She was acting a bit insecure and even said that she didn’t want me to see her naked in the light. I took her hand and placed it on my semi-hard dick so she could feel it through my pants. I find doing this coupled with saying something like, “See what you do to me?” really diffuses these kinds of insecure moments when older females come to the realization that there are no Instagram filters or angle tricks to disguise the fact that they pretty much suck in real life.
Anyway, we started going at it. Everything is moving along as expected and I decided to finish things up doggy-style. I get her flipped over and start doing the “pronated two-handed grabber” on the ass-cheeks and spread ’em open a bit as I’m nailing her. And that’s when I saw it for the first time: The Darkness. I slammed her ass-cheeks shut like they were my front door when a battalion of Watchtower wielding Jehovah’s Witnesses show up looking for a new convert.
“Dear God… that wasn’t shit, was it? Please tell me that wasn’t shit,” I thought as I closed my eyes while continuing to pound away. I did a few quick sniffs but didn’t smell anything other than number four on this list in the air. At this point, I had to take a few seconds and calm down because I knew I would lose it if I looked again and discovered this woman hadn’t showered or at least wiped her ass before inviting me over. After about a minute had passed, and after some additional mental preparation and feeling sorry for myself, I decided to take another peak at The Darkness.
I slowly parted her ass-cheeks again, my thrusting now reduced to a snail’s pace…

The type of women discussed here all think they’re “great catches.”
Don’t believe me? Just ask them—they’ll be more than happy to tell you
how great they are. And you know what? The truth is they’ll all end up
married if that’s what they want. They’ll all end up with men who truly
love them and worship the ground they walk on. This is the case for any
marginally attractive female over 30, not just the ones I’ve dealt with
directly. So, in reality, I guess they really are great catches because
the majority of men out there are willing to prove them right.
This isn’t to say these men will be dreams come true (they won’t be), but if you’re clinging to the notion that these women will hit “the wall”—that there will be abject loneliness, cats, and dildos with (really dark) butthole ticklers serving as the only things keeping them company, then I’m afraid you’re mistaken. The wall is nothing more than a chain-link fence at this point, and there are desperate and clueless men sitting at the ready with bolt cutters in hand, just waiting for the opportunity to cut out a nice hole for these low-rent skanks to pass through.
This can be extremely frustrating. If men won’t hold these women to any kind of standards, then what incentive is there for them to become something that resembles decent human beings? Things will never get better until men collectively tell these women that they’re straight-up not fucking good enough—because they’re not. When I see men rewarding these women with committed relationships, or, worse yet, moving in together and marrying them, I often find myself thinking of this quote from Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four:
The fact of the matter is they aren’t thinking. Much like Winston Smith lamented how he was possibly the only man to see the Party for the sham it truly was—that only he possessed the common sense and clairvoyance necessary to see deep into the truth of things—you may also find yourself feeling similarly isolated and disillusioned. You’ll be “a minority of one,” an army you, and you alone.
This is not something that should cause consternation, however; it’s something that should be cherished and held dear. I used to be of the opinion that happiness was an emotional luxury afforded only to those with an inability to cogitate—that the more a man thinks, the less happy he will be. This is not the case at all, provided you equate truth with happiness. It can be easy to assume a negative outlook when you’re the only man not playing the game. But take solace in the fact that all of those other guys aren’t playing the game, either—it’s playing them, and there are very few winners when it’s all said and done.
The men who marry these degenerate women and prop them up don’t have the truth, and, therefore, they don’t have true happiness. They’re living through a carefully constructed ruse, an act where the female is the star and director, and only she decides when, where, and how the curtain will fall—and fall it will. Never covet the lie, and never feel despondent when observing those men who buy into the lie displaying their mock happiness: their emotional currency is counterfeit, and their time is borrowed.
You will never be one of those men so long as you choose the truth. The truth serves as a shield against the machinations of the malefactors and the interlopers: you can’t be fucked with when the truth is in your corner. And a man who can’t be with fucked is a man who has all he needs to make it through this hell called the modern dating scene while still living a happy, fulfilling life. Whether he’s perceived as a lunatic by the bystanders doesn’t mean shit—because the bystanders don’t mean shit.
And that’s the truth.
H/T: A.V.Y.
Over 160 million out of the 320 million people who make up the population of the United States are enormous blobs of bloated shit, and some estimates are showing that three out of every four Americans will be overweight by the year 2020—an overwhelming 75 percent.
One of the most common thoughts that will pop into your head when you’re out and about is, “If that chick would just drop 20-30 pounds, she would be a total smoke show.” It’s one of the saddest things to witness because you can really see the potential hiding beneath the blubber on so many of these women.

Such a waste.
However, exceptions can and will be made for the better pecker gnats among us. A woman over 30 who goes the extra mile to take care of herself and possesses a physique that resembles a female human being certainly scores more points than some 250-pound warthog in her early to mid-twenties. But dating these older women is a depressing concession to make because they are—without question—the most fucked-up group of people you’ll ever have the misfortune of interacting with:
- Mental illness with an emphasis on Cluster B Personality Disorders? Check—and they’ve got the prescriptions and dead, soulless eyes to prove it.
- Alcoholism? Double check—but don’t worry, “It’s only wine, and I only have a couple of glasses to help me sleep and ‘take the edge off’ after a hard day.” (Everyday is a hard day spent on the razor’s edge, apparently.)
- Grotesque, degenerate pasts that would make prostitutes from previous generations seem like wife material? Check—Jimmy Dean hasn’t seen as much sausage as these beat to hell, cock snot receptacles.
- Pathological lying? Big check—these women don’t have a clue as to who the hell they truly are or what they’re all about. And since they don’t know, neither will you.
- Delusional or completely oblivious to all of these things and still think a jacked and shredded, six-foot-five space shuttle commander who moonlights as a hedge fund manager and has the magical ability to shoot two-month-long yachting excursions to the Côte d’Azur out of his 11-inch cock is waiting just around the corner to sweep them off their tatted-up, 30-year-old, dick-stained asses? Check—in La La Land, only the absolute best will do.
They Say Distracting Try-Hard Bullshit That Ruins The Mood

“Get it, Daddy!”Jesus Christ—shut up. Women over 30 have called me “daddy” so many damn times that I’m beginning to wonder if I owe back child support to the single mothers who raised them so poorly. But it’s not just what they say that gets on my nerves: it’s the trite theatrics that is the most irritating.
“Fuck that pussy good!”
“Oh my God, that feels sooooooooo fucking AMAZING!”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah! Ah! Don’t stop, Daddy!”
I’m sure some guys get off when a woman howls like a strangled cat in the bedroom, but experience has shown this to be salesmanship more than anything else. They’re trying to inflate your ego, to make you feel like you’re “the man,” and that none of the other two dozen “daddies” who came before you fucked with such dick-wielding precision. The idea is if they can get you to buy into their bullshit, then you’re much more likely to commit and stick around.
But the truth comes to the surface when you end things. Once you send the “I think this little thing of ours has run its course and it’s time to move on” text, you suddenly morph from a master cock slinger into a guy who can’t fuck for shit and has no idea how to “satisfy a woman.” Just a week ago you were an orgasm dispensing machine of vaginal destruction, but now you’re an impotent no-dick-having loser who doesn’t know what the hell you’re doing—it’s hilarious. You’ll seldom see younger women behaving this way when a relationship ends.
Now, despite the obnoxious sounds and transparent platitudes that come out of these aging creatures, the sex itself will be decent to above average in many cases—they’re trying to reel you in, after all. But it’s important not to conflate good mechanical sex skills with passion, desire, or—God forbid—love, because those things aren’t truly there. You’re only getting the illusion of those things, and it’s all by design.
It’s just good pussy: it was good for all of those other motherfuckers, too. You’re not getting anything that everyone else hasn’t gotten already. These women didn’t spend their late teens and early twenties learning how to cook or developing the skills that would make them good wives and mothers: they were learning how to suck a mean dick and becoming top-tier leg spreaders.
When the only thing you have going for you is sex, it stands to reason that you would be pretty good at it. So use these women for that one thing while disregarding their loudmouthed, ego stroking bedroom antics, and save your commitment for a younger, less tainted woman who will display genuine passion and affection during your intimate times together (if you can find one, of course).
The Dissipating Scent Of Youth

This is one of nature’s ways of telling a man when a woman is over the hill. The chances of miscarriage go up drastically once a woman passes 30. The chances for birth defects—autism especially—all go up significantly as well. All pregnancies past the age of 35 are considered “high risk,” and that’s if these women can conceive children at all.
Hard living is normal living for the vast majority of women nowadays. A body that has consumed massive quantities of alcohol, recreational/prescription drugs, birth control pills and cocks, all combined with father time, is a body that is completely corrupted and polluted; it’s a body that is not suitable for motherhood. Your olfactory receptors can pick up on all of this, and you’ll more than likely notice yourself being slightly turned off whenever you catch a whiff of a woman whose better days are behind her.
They Feel “Different”

It sort of resembles a permanent “clinched” feeling, as if the muscles are constantly contracted or flexed—a case of rigor mortis in the undead, so to speak. Some may argue that perhaps this hardness is due to an inability on my part to make these women feel comfortable or relaxed, but I contest it’s due to their inability to feel comfortable or relaxed with themselves.
Imagine making life decisions that always result in unnecessary drama, calamity, and hardship as opposed to ones that would be ideal for you, your family, and your community. Imagine having an abortion or two after sleeping with a string of men whose first names you can’t remember, and whose last names you never knew. Imagine always taking the road most traveled: the road that leads to Xanax bars and empty bottles of cheap pinot noir.
Imagine doing all of these things from the time you’re a teenager all the way up until you’re on the wrong side of 30, and then try to come away from it all as a soft, lovable, well-adjusted human being who’s comfortable in your own skin—good fucking luck. These women feel hardened for a reason, and that reason is them.
If you were to describe the “thousand cock stare” or sociopathic/Cluster B gaze, you would typically use words like “empty” or “dead inside.” But if you really look at these women, you can see the tension stemming from their inner turmoil. You can see the pent-up contempt and self-loathing that consumes them. The aggression, the anger, the malice—it’s all lurking just beneath the surface, ready to unleash itself once the thin threads of sanity and civility snap for whatever reason.
All of this is not only present in the eyes, it’s on the body as well. You can truly feel the damage, antipathy, and tension when you’re in physical contact with these women. It’s not a pleasant experience, and it’s not something you should ignore. We have instincts for a reason, and one of the perils of living in a modern liberal society is that we’ve been brainwashed from a young age to ignore these instincts.
Women over 30 prey upon this brainwashing by using words like “judgmental” or “paranoid” in an attempt to elicit shame, which is why these words should always viewed as unofficial synonyms for “gut feelings” and “intuition.” Pay attention to these gut feelings—they will be amplified when you’re in the hardened, unloving embrace of a declining older woman who has been through far too much to retain her humanity.
Tattoos That Look Like a Freeway Overpass in a Bad Neighborhood

Tried to kill yourself? Advertise it to the world now with a semicolon tattoo.
And to make matters worse, looking at this “artwork” is just the tip of the iceberg, because if you’ve made it to the point where you’re looking at it, then at least you’ve made it on to phase two in most cases: the point where you’re getting laid. Phase one is much worse. This is when you get to sit, listen, and pretend like you could give two shits and a greasy fart about the stories that come along with their perma-doodles. An example:
Girl: “Yeah, so I decided to get a lion tattoo because I’m a Leo, and, I’m like, pretty ferocious, too.” (Lifts shirt to reveal jailhouse quality lion tattoo.)As you can see, it’s a painful experience conversing with these empty-headed morons. And this was actually one of the more pleasant interactions because at least she knew something about lions, which was kind of nice. The worst one I’ve encountered so far was a chick with a semicolon tattoo, which, come to find out, represents when somebody has attempted suicide in the past. She was a real bundle of fucking joy to be around.
Me: “That’s a male lion, though.”
Girl: “Yeah… so?”
Me: “You’d think you would have gone with a female. If I got a lion tattoo, it would be a male, not a female, you know, because I’m a dude.”
Girl: “What? Why not? What’s wrong with female lions? Besides, the Leo sign is a male.”
Me: “The females are total pussies compared to the males.”
Girl: “What? You can’t be serious! The females do all the hunting while the males just sit around all day!”
Me: “Sounds like a great gig if you can get it. If things work out between us I’ll quit my job and hang out at home all day while you do all the money hunting, deal?”
Girl: “Ha! Dream on!”
Me: “Why not? I’ll give you an allowance. The male lion shares his food with the females. I don’t see a problem with giving you a small cut of the money you earn. But really, though, you should be ashamed of that tattoo—just sayin’.”
Girl: “What? Never! Why?”
Me: “Because when a male lion takes over a new pride, he kills the cubs of his predecessor. The king of the jungle doesn’t date single moms and he ain’t no cuck. You have a child murderer tattooed on your body. You’re a terrible person, and you’re going to hell.”
Girl: “You’re fucking ridiculous! Haha, oh my god…”
When a woman gets a tattoo to serve as a reminder to be “strong” or to “persevere,” what’s she’s truly conveying is that she’s a weak-willed, simple-minded dumbass. Every human being who has ever existed has had to be strong and persevere on some level, and well over 99 percent of them managed to pull it off without some lame-ass motivational quote or Bible verse (Leviticus 19:28, anyone?) scrawled all over their bodies.
“But-but-but tattoos are common in many cultures and have been for centuries!” argues the 32-year-old strumpet who got a meaningless butterfly tramp stamp back in ’04 during one of her many alcohol and pecker fueled evenings at college, but says it’s to honor the dead grandma that she never called or visited at the nursing home located just down the street from her house. Correct, whore, tattoos are common in many cultures: savage, third world, haven’t-accomplished-shit cultures.
Heard of any groundbreaking technological breakthroughs or feats of engineering coming out of Western Samoa or Papua New Guinea recently? Yeah, me neither, but I’m sure they’ll get around to it—as soon as they’re done building houses out of doo-doo, and chucking rocks at coconut trees to knock down their fucking dinner.
Primitive people do primitive shit, which is why tatted up women have become so common in degenerate modern America. They’re doing what feral, uncivilized people have been doing all along: going backwards, not forward, and this is the direction things will continue heading for the foreseeable future.

Living the good life in Tattoodistan.

Unlike all of your other tattoos, at least this one wouldn’t be bullshit.
The Dark Holes

You’re probably wondering, “How the hell did you find out this information?” The fucking hard way—that’s how. Now, I always practice safe sex with aging skanks: with the lights out, or, worse case scenario, very dim. This is so I don’t see something I don’t want to see. Taking this precaution has served me well for the most part, and has gone a long way in concealing all of the unsavory features that unfortunately exist in stronger lighting.
However, one day I met up with one of the chicks I was seeing for an afternoon sex session. She was acting a bit insecure and even said that she didn’t want me to see her naked in the light. I took her hand and placed it on my semi-hard dick so she could feel it through my pants. I find doing this coupled with saying something like, “See what you do to me?” really diffuses these kinds of insecure moments when older females come to the realization that there are no Instagram filters or angle tricks to disguise the fact that they pretty much suck in real life.
Anyway, we started going at it. Everything is moving along as expected and I decided to finish things up doggy-style. I get her flipped over and start doing the “pronated two-handed grabber” on the ass-cheeks and spread ’em open a bit as I’m nailing her. And that’s when I saw it for the first time: The Darkness. I slammed her ass-cheeks shut like they were my front door when a battalion of Watchtower wielding Jehovah’s Witnesses show up looking for a new convert.
“Dear God… that wasn’t shit, was it? Please tell me that wasn’t shit,” I thought as I closed my eyes while continuing to pound away. I did a few quick sniffs but didn’t smell anything other than number four on this list in the air. At this point, I had to take a few seconds and calm down because I knew I would lose it if I looked again and discovered this woman hadn’t showered or at least wiped her ass before inviting me over. After about a minute had passed, and after some additional mental preparation and feeling sorry for myself, I decided to take another peak at The Darkness.
I slowly parted her ass-cheeks again, my thrusting now reduced to a snail’s pace…
“What are you doing back there?” inquired the owner of The Darkness.“Well that’s just fucking great,” I thought. I gave her a slightly sardonic grin in response, closed her ass-cheeks, and continued banging her with severely diminished avidity. Eventually, I finished. Afterward, we chilled on the bed and discussed the possibility of doing something together in the evening, but I was distracted: I just couldn’t stop thinking about The Darkness…
“Uh, nothing, just fucking you…” I replied while staring in bewilderment at her diesel smoke tinted anus.
“You’re looking at my ass aren’t you… Mmmmm… it’s all yours if you want it,” she said while cocking her head to the side so she could see me through her peripheral vision. A mischievous looking grin emanated from her face.
“Not right now,” I said while attempting to look like I would love the opportunity to bang her char-grilled, chewed-up bubble gum looking asshole at some point in the future.
“Mmmmm, well, whenever you want it, you got it, Daddy.”
“What the hell was going on there?”As you can see, I had a lot of questions, and, at the time, no real answers. But later on in the evening, it hit me: all the anal sex this woman experienced throughout the years had more than likely darkened her sphincter. After all, she thought nothing of letting me just “stick it in” if I wanted to, so it certainly wasn’t her first rodeo.
“Well, it wasn’t shit, so that was a plus… I guess.”
“I can’t believe she wanted me to stick my dick in there… Bitch is out of her mind.”
“God… there’s no way that was normal.”
“How is something like that even possible?”
In Closing

This isn’t to say these men will be dreams come true (they won’t be), but if you’re clinging to the notion that these women will hit “the wall”—that there will be abject loneliness, cats, and dildos with (really dark) butthole ticklers serving as the only things keeping them company, then I’m afraid you’re mistaken. The wall is nothing more than a chain-link fence at this point, and there are desperate and clueless men sitting at the ready with bolt cutters in hand, just waiting for the opportunity to cut out a nice hole for these low-rent skanks to pass through.
This can be extremely frustrating. If men won’t hold these women to any kind of standards, then what incentive is there for them to become something that resembles decent human beings? Things will never get better until men collectively tell these women that they’re straight-up not fucking good enough—because they’re not. When I see men rewarding these women with committed relationships, or, worse yet, moving in together and marrying them, I often find myself thinking of this quote from Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four:
He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic. Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one… But the thought of being a lunatic did not greatly trouble him; the horror was that he might also be wrong…Chances are this will strike a chord with you because often, out in the real world, you’ll be the only person you know who actually thinks about anything beyond the topical and the frivolous. You’ll see men shacking up with society’s unflushable turds and find that you’re the only one saying, “What the hell is wrong with all of these guys, what are they thinking?”
The fact of the matter is they aren’t thinking. Much like Winston Smith lamented how he was possibly the only man to see the Party for the sham it truly was—that only he possessed the common sense and clairvoyance necessary to see deep into the truth of things—you may also find yourself feeling similarly isolated and disillusioned. You’ll be “a minority of one,” an army you, and you alone.
This is not something that should cause consternation, however; it’s something that should be cherished and held dear. I used to be of the opinion that happiness was an emotional luxury afforded only to those with an inability to cogitate—that the more a man thinks, the less happy he will be. This is not the case at all, provided you equate truth with happiness. It can be easy to assume a negative outlook when you’re the only man not playing the game. But take solace in the fact that all of those other guys aren’t playing the game, either—it’s playing them, and there are very few winners when it’s all said and done.
The men who marry these degenerate women and prop them up don’t have the truth, and, therefore, they don’t have true happiness. They’re living through a carefully constructed ruse, an act where the female is the star and director, and only she decides when, where, and how the curtain will fall—and fall it will. Never covet the lie, and never feel despondent when observing those men who buy into the lie displaying their mock happiness: their emotional currency is counterfeit, and their time is borrowed.
You will never be one of those men so long as you choose the truth. The truth serves as a shield against the machinations of the malefactors and the interlopers: you can’t be fucked with when the truth is in your corner. And a man who can’t be with fucked is a man who has all he needs to make it through this hell called the modern dating scene while still living a happy, fulfilling life. Whether he’s perceived as a lunatic by the bystanders doesn’t mean shit—because the bystanders don’t mean shit.
And that’s the truth.
H/T: A.V.Y.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Cops Brag About Harassing Homeless Man Fixing Bike...
The Daily Messenger: Cops Brag About Harassing Homeless Man Fixing Bike...: Stealing people's property and shutting down people selling fruit by the road and yard sales - welcome to fascism by cop. A 38-year-o...
Monday, June 26, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Post News: Shocking video catches couple beating a restaurant...
Post News: Shocking video catches couple beating a restaurant...: Police are still struggling for words to describe the attack that took place in Baxley Thursday afternoon after a mother and her daught...
Friday, June 23, 2017
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Buy a Tesla car and DIE
The Daily Messenger: Buy a Tesla car and DIE: This rich satanist trusted auto pilot and it killed him. It deliberately drove him into a parked 18 wheeler on the side of the road. th...
“Just Walk Out Technology,” by AmazonCIAwhore is n...
The Daily Messenger: “Just Walk Out Technology,” by AmazonCIAwhore is n...: All the biggies, Google, Netflix, Amazon, et al are Deep State, NWO, globalist outlets for spying on people. Google has ECHO, which is an...
Monday, June 19, 2017
Coffee Enemas for Heavy Metal Detoxification
Juicing and Raw Foods: Coffee Enemas for Heavy Metal Detoxification: Coffee Enemas for Heavy Metal Detoxification. Serious detoxification, mercury , Detoxification against Cancer , Integrative Healing &a...
Sunday, June 18, 2017
CoPope Nater Nathan graduates Magna Cum Laude UCSB Double major...
The Daily Messenger: Nathan graduates Magna Cum Laude UCSB Double major...: Lots of families getting the paper, 3 years of straight As, and a mixed final year. Aren't girl distractions fun at the importan...
Friday, June 16, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
The Daily Messenger: The BITCOIN SCAM - Coinbase, a bitcoin server, is ...
he Daily Messenger: The BITCOIN SCAM - Coinbase, a bitcoin server, is ...: Bitcoin...every year yet another server goes dark, takes the millions, and robs their clients. Like clockwork. This time its not Mt. Goix, ...
Monday, June 12, 2017
Conditioning the public for what's coming, as they...
The Daily Messenger: Conditioning the public for what's coming, as they...: "Shakespeare In The Park" Trump Assassination Scene PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING Delta Air Lines and Bank of America pulled ...
Sunday, June 11, 2017
“Patriots” in the Oregon Maher Refuge Standoff Rev...
The Daily Messenger: “Patriots” in the Oregon Maher Refuge Standoff Rev...: Gary Hunt who was heavily involved in the Oregon Maher Refuge and is currently writing “ The Burns Chronicles ” over at Outpost Freedom wa...
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Friday, June 9, 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Black males and fat lesbian dykes at Evergreen State College are roaming campus with baseball bats, looking for WHITE MALES
BLM black males and dykes roaming evergreen college with baseball bats looking for white people. So far, as of this post, they have been doing this for TWO DAYS. Finding white males, beating them unconscious, and leaving them for dead. NO ARRESTS ARE BEING MADE AT ALL.
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Operation Kill whitey, as long as he is either a christian or a male |
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
The Daily Messenger: To Protect them from Other Vile LGBT Abuse, Texas ...
The Daily Messenger: To Protect them from Other Vile LGBT Abuse, Texas ...: To Protect them from Other Vile LGBT Abuse, Texas Pastors get “Sermon Protection Act” ... the whores of Lucifer smell as bad as they look and need to be prayed over with the spirit of FIRE
Fukushima Remains "A Nuclear Radiation Nightmare",...
The Daily Messenger: Fukushima Remains "A Nuclear Radiation Nightmare",...: "This is an accident that does not exist in the past tense, but in the present progressive form," exclaimed Fukushima Gov. Masao...
The Ugly Truth of Online Dating Lifestyle Online dating used to be reserved for single parents and the washed up spinsters who had an easy way to lock down a beta provider as they would be the only men on there, but today things have changed and basically anyone who owns a smartphone is in the game.
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Entitlement feminists only see the dollars - will be divorced in 4 to 6 years |
Apps such as Tinder provide an easier outlet to engage in online dating for the younger generation, with an abundance of talent under the age of 35. With easy access to a variety of girls all with the swipe of a thumb, it would appear as though we have hit the jackpot, but for the majority of average guys out there, the harsh reality tells a different story.
Its not what it seems
It does seem like we have an easy and convenient option of meeting new girls, compared to the standard nightclub grind. Now you don’t have to wait till the weekend in hopes that your friends might be keen on a night on the town to hit on women when it’s more than likely you will be ending the night getting smashed and stuffing your face with a kebab while waiting for an Uber big enough to fit your blue balls in.The new age of online dating has basically eliminated the need to rely on such endeavors as you can now hit on an unlimited amount of girls from your smartphone. However, we are paying the ultimate price for this convenience as it allows the majority of females the opportunity to fulfill their sexual desires at the detriment of the average bloke.
A tool to fuel the female ego
The rise of social media and online dating apps such as Tinder give females a platform for endless attention and validation. These reasons alone provide girls with leverage over most males in the sexual marketplace. Back in the day, girls would have to dress to the nines and smash a few bottles of cheap wine with their girlfriends while pre-drinking to pop music ready to get even less attention than they do now.In a nightclub, girls may get hit on a few times by the more alpha or drunk guys, and maybe receive a few glances from some other guys, but not everyone in the spot will act on their urges. Tinder and social media provide all girls with an endless source of validation, because any guy can show their interest much easier than real life. The validation may come in the form of a like on social media or a right swipe on Tinder, which over time will cause an inflated ego and sense of self worth.
Set yourself apart to even the playing field
Most of my successes have been in real life situations based and my willingness to approach and the way I presented myself. If I’m in a nightclub and I’m one of the few guys to approach and make a good impression, there is more urgency for the girl to act on my advancements, since there is a chance she might not see me again. On Tinder, however, there is no urgency for a girl to see a guy who she finds attractive compared to a real life situation.In the digital world, I am just one of many hundred other guys who could have approached her in a given week. It’s hard to set yourself apart and gain the same attention compared to real life when any guy can easily approach online.
The ease of entry for any guy to get in the online game causes an increase in competition for the same girls. For instance, a Tinder profile can be set up quite easily—all you need is a few photos and your mum to take some cool muscle pictures of you while your flexing into the camera.
Girls who receive attention from a large pool of guys have a false sense of their own value. And if provided with a large selection of potential candidates, girls will only chose the top value men, who may not want a relationship with these girls, but are still willing to sleep with them one or two times.
Things that earn the average guy points in real life like having the balls to cold approached in public along with the confidence and charisma that follows have a limited value in the online world. So while you’re killing your pool workout at the gym and right swiping in-between sets, it will be that tall good-looking meathead with the shit tattoos that will be best served on Tinder.
Many of the average males are left with limited options, as girls who are less attractive than they are manage to secure intimacy with higher value males. Girls who have the option to sleep with higher value males will be reluctant to settle for guys of the same or lower level of attractiveness.The result is a high number of guys who are not getting any action but are still helping validate these girls online. Due to the large amount of thirsty guys, girls are now in a position of power as they can control the sexual marketplace.
In a time where such harsh conditions are dictating the sexual marketplace, it is more important now to consider other alternatives, as only relying on Tinder will be a poor strategy. As previously highlighted in the manosphere, both day and night game can yield good results, especially if you commute into the city everyday on public transport. It also helps if you live in a city where you have strong social connections.
It is important for guys to realize the current state of dating in the modern digital society in order to be aware of the disadvantages they face, so appropriate steps can be taken in spite of the adversity.
In a relationship, men want sex and
women want attention. Some men give attention knowing they won’t get
much sex, and some women give sex knowing they won’t get the full
attention they crave. These men are in stressful relationships or are
friend-zoned, and these women are easy. The men are known as feminists
or … 

BLACK Transgender Boy With Mustache Destroyed Every girl at track match
The Daily Messenger: BLACK Transgender Boy With Mustache Destroyed Ever...: But because he's a transvestite, he gets on all the girl's teams, and slaughters the competition not only in track, but in basketba...
The Daily Messenger: Big Corporations what have come out publicly and o...
The Daily Messenger: Big Corporations what have come out publicly and o...: I ask on the name and blood of Yeshua, our King, that our Father YHVH turn his face against these fascist monsters and companies who hate...
Monday, June 5, 2017
Our Spiritual World: At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation,...
Our Spiritual World: At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation,...: Jeremiah 18:7-8 7At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and t...
Sunday, June 4, 2017
McDonald’s to BAN WHITE PEOPLE FROM THEIR STORES IF CHRISTIAN. Gays and Dykes, okay though...

The Daily Messenger: June 4, 2017 by GOV'T SLAVES McDonald’s to use r...: McDonald’s customers in Washington, D.C., can expect their next order of fries to come with a message of exclusivity. In celebration of t...
AAA Hits Tesla - the car with the highest repair per 100 vehicles of any class, With Higher Premiums Due To "Abnormally High Claims
AAA is raising premiums on Tesla
vehicles by 30% after data showed that owners of Model S and Model X
cars filed claims at abnormally highest rates ever in automotive history, and that those claims cost more compared with other cars in the same class, Automotive News reported.
Tesla, of course, is disputing the insurer's analysis. You'd expect them to, because it tells their stupid SJW customers that they are buying 100,000.00 dollar rolling mechanical turd boxes.
The Highway Loss Data Institute report covered the 2014-2016 model
years. Vehicles are divided into classes based on size, weight and
competing models. The frequency and severity of claims are compared with
overall average claims. The report found that the frequency, and cost,
of claims related to Tesla vehicles was much higher.
Tesla said the high rate of acceleration in both the Model S and Model X make it "false and misleading" to compare against vehicles such as the XC70, adding that the Model S also holds the lowest likelihood of injury, according to an evaluation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
In the large luxury SUV class, where collision coverage claim frequency is the same as the average for all vehicles and the cost of claims is 43 percent above average, the owners of the Model X file for claims 41 percent more often than average, and those claims cost 89 percent more than average, according to the institute.
New approaches to calculating premiums may eventually benefit Tesla owners, Automotive News reported. Root is an insurance startup that sets premiums based on individual driving behavior. Customers download the Root app and drive with their smartphone in the car for two weeks. Rates are determined from the habits observed over that period.
Semi-autonomous driving features help bring rates down, said Root CEO Alex Timm. The company gives a special discount for Tesla vehicles equipped with Autosteer — part of Tesla's suite of Autopilot semi-autonomous tech — which NHTSA found increased crash rates by 40 percent. In short, using auto-steer and autopilot is just asking for a trip to the morgue, as so many discover year in and year out. Like their fake satellite launch vehicles with use CGI to fool the public, Tesla satanist Musk built his car business on government - tax payers - subsidies and smoke and mirrors. But the facts tell the truth. Long charge times for very short drive ranges. Recharging stations in bad parts of town. Expensive and constant repairs that typically run between $2000 to $6000 each and every visit. Which, per car, is at least 4 or more times a year.
And this turd is the future? The future of being ripped off and having your ability to go anywhere and all over, cut to nothing, which is the point.
Employees complain of long, unpaid hours and a top down poor treatment of car owners, once they buy the box turd.
Tesla, of course, is disputing the insurer's analysis. You'd expect them to, because it tells their stupid SJW customers that they are buying 100,000.00 dollar rolling mechanical turd boxes.
AAA’ chief actuary said the insurer noticed the anomaly in its own data before confirming it with data provided by a second source, the Highway Loss Data Institute. 3 out of every 5 Tesla cars are in the shop at any one time, an amazing historical record in any country for any model. Going green with Musk death buckets that force their owners to sit in a magnetic field that slowly kills their biorhythm, is the real problem no is addressing, except their designers who refuse to own a Tesla.
"Looking at a much broader set of countrywide data, we saw the same patterns observed in our own data, and that gave us the confidence to change rates," he said.Other large insurance companies, including State Farm and Geico, said that claims data is a major factor in calculating premiums. But they would not disclose if their Tesla-owning customers would also see rates rise, because their satanic masters advised them to keep their rate increases on the down low.
A plastic nightmare that eats electricity like a vampire and is constantly breaking down. The Tesla. |
"Teslas get into a lot of crashes and are costly to repair afterward," said Russ Rader, spokesman for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which is the Highway Loss Data Institute's parent organization. "Consumers will pay for that when they go to insure one."Tesla said the Highway Loss Data Institute's system placed it with the wrong competitors. If it were compared with similar rivals, the company argued, its crash data would not stand out negatively.
Tesla said the high rate of acceleration in both the Model S and Model X make it "false and misleading" to compare against vehicles such as the XC70, adding that the Model S also holds the lowest likelihood of injury, according to an evaluation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
"We expect Model X to receive the best score for any SUV ever tested," a Tesla spokesperson said. Yeah...sure...as long as you don't count the 4 visits to the shop brand new models make every year and all the dead people their auto-drive kills in traffic.Collision damage claims for large luxury vehicles are reported 13 percent more frequently than average, and those claims cost about 50 percent higher than average, the Highway Loss Data Institute said. The rear-wheel-drive Tesla Model S is involved in 46 percent more claims than average, and those claims cost more than twice the average, it said.
In the large luxury SUV class, where collision coverage claim frequency is the same as the average for all vehicles and the cost of claims is 43 percent above average, the owners of the Model X file for claims 41 percent more often than average, and those claims cost 89 percent more than average, according to the institute.
New approaches to calculating premiums may eventually benefit Tesla owners, Automotive News reported. Root is an insurance startup that sets premiums based on individual driving behavior. Customers download the Root app and drive with their smartphone in the car for two weeks. Rates are determined from the habits observed over that period.
Semi-autonomous driving features help bring rates down, said Root CEO Alex Timm. The company gives a special discount for Tesla vehicles equipped with Autosteer — part of Tesla's suite of Autopilot semi-autonomous tech — which NHTSA found increased crash rates by 40 percent. In short, using auto-steer and autopilot is just asking for a trip to the morgue, as so many discover year in and year out. Like their fake satellite launch vehicles with use CGI to fool the public, Tesla satanist Musk built his car business on government - tax payers - subsidies and smoke and mirrors. But the facts tell the truth. Long charge times for very short drive ranges. Recharging stations in bad parts of town. Expensive and constant repairs that typically run between $2000 to $6000 each and every visit. Which, per car, is at least 4 or more times a year.
And this turd is the future? The future of being ripped off and having your ability to go anywhere and all over, cut to nothing, which is the point.
Employees complain of long, unpaid hours and a top down poor treatment of car owners, once they buy the box turd.
Tesla said that it is working with insurance companies to properly evaluate the benefits of Autopilot.
"As part of the Insure My Tesla program, Tesla is working with leading insurers resulting in lower prices for Tesla insurance, not higher," Tesla said in its statement. "These leading insurers also appreciate the added safety benefit of Autopilot." A complete lie, as usual. The death rate for those who use this feature is off the charts, but is being kept quiet by a deep state media that is trying to shove Agenda 21 up everyone's retarded, believe anything, ass.The big question, of course, is that if Tesla owners have to pay considerably higher insurance premiums, what happens to the marginal new Tesla car sale?
Saturday, June 3, 2017
The Bro Code Rules
The Universal Bro Code: The Bro Code Rules: The Bro Code 1) You must always have your bro’s back. No exceptions. 2) When your bro’s girlfriend inquires about his whereabouts you k...
Jewish man arrested after spray painting swastikas on his own home in Upstate NY
ewish man arrested after spray painting swastikas on his own home in Upstate NY
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Ben Axelson | baxelson@nyup.com By Ben Axelson | baxelson@nyup.com
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on March 21, 2017 at 11:25 AM
Nazi vandalismA spray-painted swastika on the home of Andrew King in Schenectady.screenshot from WTEN-TV video
A Jewish man in Upstate NY was jailed on Monday for falsely reporting racist vandalism to police.
Now, Andrew King, 54, of Schenectady, is facing a charge of Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree after police determined that he spray painted three swastikas on his home.
King originally reported that an unknown individual vandalized his home on February 10, WRGB-TV reported.
King was in Schenectady City lockup awaiting arraignment on Tuesday morning.
WTEN-TV reported that King was also arrested on an outstanding warrant for Harassment, stemming from an incident in which he allegedly threatened to harm another person in February.
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Ben Axelson | baxelson@nyup.com By Ben Axelson | baxelson@nyup.com
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on March 21, 2017 at 11:25 AM
Nazi vandalismA spray-painted swastika on the home of Andrew King in Schenectady.screenshot from WTEN-TV video
A Jewish man in Upstate NY was jailed on Monday for falsely reporting racist vandalism to police.
Now, Andrew King, 54, of Schenectady, is facing a charge of Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree after police determined that he spray painted three swastikas on his home.
King originally reported that an unknown individual vandalized his home on February 10, WRGB-TV reported.
King was in Schenectady City lockup awaiting arraignment on Tuesday morning.
WTEN-TV reported that King was also arrested on an outstanding warrant for Harassment, stemming from an incident in which he allegedly threatened to harm another person in February.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
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